Database setup details for Schema Registry for TLS 1.2/TCPS-enabled databases

Learn how you can configure Schema Registry to securely connect to its database using TLS 1.2 when installing a new cluster.

When installing a new cluster, Schema Registry's database connection is set up during the Setup Database step of the Add Cluster - Configuration wizard. Complete the following when you reach this step in the wizard to configure TLS 1.2.

  • Ensure that TLS 1.2 is enabled on the Schema Registry database.
  • Ensure that a truststore file containing the database certificate is available on the Schema Registry hosts. Additionally, ensure that you know the location of the file and that the user Schema Registry runs as has access to the file. The default user for Schema Registry is schemaregistry.
  1. Select the appropriate database type from the Type drop-down list.
  2. Select yes from the Use JDBC URL Override drop-down list.
  3. Enter the database username and password you set up for Schema Registry in the Username and Password fields.
    The username and password you must enter are set up in a previous step of the installation. For more information, see Configuring the Database for Streaming Components
  4. Enter an appropriate JDBC URL in the JDBC URL field.
    The JDBC URL must contain all necessary properties needed for Schema Registry to establish a secure connection with its database. Use the following templates to construct the JDBC URL.
    jdbc:mysql://[***DB HOST***]:[***DB PORT***]/[***DB NAME***]?useSSL=true&trustCertificateKeyStoreUrl=file://[***TRUSTSTORE PATH***]&trustCertificateKeyStoreType=jks&trustCertificateKeyStorePassword=[***TRUSTSTORE PASSWORD***]&enabledTLSProtocols=TLSv1.2
    jdbc:postgresql://[***DB HOST***]:[***DB PORT***]/[***DB NAME***]?useSSL=true&trustCertificateKeyStoreUrl=file://[***TRUSTSTORE PATH***]&trustCertificateKeyStoreType=jks&trustCertificateKeyStorePassword=[***TRUSTSTORE PASSWORD***]&enabledTLSProtocols=TLSv1.2
    jdbc:oracle:thin:@tcps://[***DB HOST***]:[***DB PORT***]/[***DB NAME***]?[***TRUSTSTORE PATH***]&[***TRUSTSTORE PASSWORD***]&
    • Replace [***DB HOST***], [***DB PORT***], and [***DB NAME***] with the host, port, and name of the database.
    • Replace [***TRUSTSTORE PATH***] with the full path to a truststore that contains the database certificate. The truststore must be available on the host that Schema Registry is deployed on. Additionally, the user that the Schema Registry service runs as, default is schemaregistry, must have access to the file.
    • Replace [***TRUSTSTORE PASSWORD***] with the password used to access the truststore you specify in [***TRUSTSTORE PATH***].
  5. Click Test Connection.
    If the connection test fails, review your configuration, fix any errors, and rerun the connection test.
  6. Click Continue to continue with cluster installation.
The Schema Registry service establishes a secure connection with its database.