Streams Replication Manager Health Tests

Streams Replication Manager SRM Driver Health

This Streams Replication Manager service-level health test checks for the presence of a running, healthy SRM Driver. The test returns "Bad" health if the service is running and the SRM Driver is not running. In all other cases it returns the health of the SRM Driver. A failure of this health test indicates a stopped or unhealthy SRM Driver. Check the status of the SRM Driver for more information. This test can be enabled or disabled using the SRM Driver Role Health Test SRM Driver service-wide monitoring setting.

Short Name: SRM Driver Health

Property Name Description Template Name Default Value Unit
SRM Driver Role Health Test When computing the overall STREAMS_REPLICATION_MANAGER health, consider SRM Driver's health STREAMS_REPLICATION_MANAGER_STREAMS_REPLICATION_MANAGER_DRIVER_health_enabled true no unit

Streams Replication Manager SRM Service Health

This Streams Replication Manager service-level health test checks for the presence of a running, healthy SRM Service. The test returns "Bad" health if the service is running and the SRM Service is not running. In all other cases it returns the health of the SRM Service. A failure of this health test indicates a stopped or unhealthy SRM Service. Check the status of the SRM Service for more information. This test can be enabled or disabled using the SRM Service Role Health Test SRM Service service-wide monitoring setting.

Short Name: SRM Service Health

Property Name Description Template Name Default Value Unit
SRM Service Role Health Test When computing the overall STREAMS_REPLICATION_MANAGER health, consider SRM Service's health STREAMS_REPLICATION_MANAGER_STREAMS_REPLICATION_MANAGER_SERVICE_health_enabled true no unit