Viewing and reverting configuration changes for a service, role, or
View and revert configuration changes for a service, role, or
Go to the Status page for a service, role,
or host
Click the Configuration tab. (To view
configurations for all hosts, go to
Hosts > All
Hosts > Configuration.)
Click the History and Rollback link.
The Configuration History
opens and displays a table of configuration
(Optional) Click Filter by Time
Range and select a time range from the options on the
right (30m, 1h, 2h, 6h, 12h, 1d, 7d, 30d) to limit the historical
Click the Details link.
Revision Details dialog box displays details
of the configuration change.
(Optional) Click the Revert Configuration
Changes button to revert the configuration
Cloudera Manager may show a message
indicating required restarts.
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