What's New in Cloudera Manager 7.2.2

New features and changed behavior for Cloudera Manager.

Alerts for Data Hub clusters can now be managed using Cloudera Manager.
Users with the EnvironmentAdmin Resource role are assigned to the Limited Cluster Administrator role in Cloudera Manager, which now allows you to manage alerts.
The Cloudera Management Service for Data Hub clusters can now be managed using Cloudera Manager.
Users with the EnvironmentAdmin Resource role are assigned to the Limited Cluster Administrator role in Cloudera Manager, which now allows you to configure, start, and stop the Cloudera Management Service.
Changes to how Cluster Templates handle null values
In Cloudera Manager, the cluster template contains key & value pairs of variables. However, keys without any value(s), get exported into the cluster template's json file. This can happen even if the Cloudera Manager Admin Console exposes the issue by showing up configuration warnings. Importing such templates to new clusters also introduces these warnings. Therefore, an export of such templates now requires the user to replace the 'null' value. Importing the template with such a key will fail with an error message.
Executing Impala queries monitoring related performance problems fixed. Memory usage is lowered.
Executing query monitoring is 100 times faster and memory consumption of this functionality is reduced 100 times .