Monitoring and DiagnosticsPDF version

Cluster Support Tokens using Cloudera Manager

Cloudera Manager now provides Suppport Tokens for every cluster that it manages. When you create support cases on the Cloudera Support portal, you may be asked to provide a Support Token. The Support Token can be copied from the Cloudera Manager GUI into the Cloudera Support portal. The Support Tokens allow Cloudera to more accurately track usage and node-counts, particularly in the absence of a diagnostic bundle.

Ensure that you have the global visibility permission to access the Security Token and call the APIs.

There are two APIs available.

One API displays a ClusterName-SupportToken list that includes all the clusters and their SupportToken.

# ClouderaManagerResource

GET /cm/clusterSupportTokens

# Should be a list of tokens


"items": [


"clusterName": "Cluster 1",

"displayName": "Cluster 1",

"clusterSupportToken": "IWCnF5gY12JwnAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA8qj8"



"clusterName": "Cluster 2",

"displayName": "Cluster 2",

"clusterSupportToken": "PAtxTDK+50VxPAEAUAIAAAAAAAAZMe7E"




The second API takes ClusterName as the parameter and displays the corresponding SupportToken. The token provided is unique for each cluster.

# ClustersResource

GET /clusters/{clusterName}/clusterSupportToken

# should be one token


"clusterName": "Cluster 1",

"displayName": "Cluster 1",

"clusterSupportToken": "IWCnF5gY12JwnAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA8qj8"


Generating and displaying a unique Support Token for each managed cluster includes a truncated combination of Cloudera Managed Server UUID and Cluster ID. The Cluster ID will be used by Cloudera Support to validate the legitimacy and uniqueness of the environment against customer entitlements without the need to send a diagnostic bundle.

For seeing the support token, as a user, you must have global visibility (UserAuthorities.USER authority). To know your role, navigate to UI Administration > Users & Roles > Roles for reference. Support token is not visible without an access to UserAuthorities.USER authority.
  1. Log in to Cloudera Manager.
  2. On the left navigation pane, click Support.
  3. Click Support Tokens. Support Token dialog box appears.
  4. Copy the Support Token.
  5. Log in to the Cloudera Support portal.
  6. Click Create Case.
  7. If prompted, you can paste the Support Token into the case.