Monitoring and DiagnosticsPDF version

Unsuppressing Health Tests

You can unsuppress a health test from where it displays, or unsuppress one or more health tests from the configuration page of the service or host.

Minimum Required Role: Configurator (also provided by Cluster Administrator, Limited Cluster Administrator , and Full Administrator)

  1. To unsuppress a single health test where it displays, click the Unsuppress... link next to a suppressed test. (You may need to click the Show # Suppressed Test link first.)
  2. To unsuppress one or more health tests from the configuration screen:
    1. Go to the service or host with the health test you want to unsuppress.
    2. Select Status > Non-default.
      A list of suppressed health tests and configuration issues displays.
    3. Optionally, type the name of the health test in the Search box to locate it.
    4. Clear the suppression property for the health test.
    5. Enter a Reason for change, and then click Save Changes to commit the changes.