Customizing Kerberos principals
How to configure custom service principals in Cloudera Manager.
- Ensure you use different Kerberos principals for different services to make it easier to track the HDFS directories being accessed by each service.
- If you are using
to obtain user-group mappings, ensure you have the UNIX accounts for the principals present on all hosts of the cluster.
Ranger creates all plugin services and related policies with default service user names. If you customize the principal names using Cloudera Manager for any service, you must manually update all the policies and plugin service configs to use the customized principal names.
By default, Ranger audit directory ownership is /ranger/audit/atlas - owner: atlasfoo0. If the Ranger Audit directory is not accessible by custom service principal, then you must change ranger audit directory ownership. To do so, add Ranger hdfs policy for atlas service principal on resource <auditdir>/atlas . For example, /ranger/audit/atlas .
Use one of the 3 following options to ensure that Ranger AuthZ works correctly:
Option 1: You can manually add/update the plugin service configurations and default policies so that Ranger plugin services provide authorization correctly, as policies define.
For example, to customize the HadoopSQL policy:- In the Ranger Admin Web UI > Service Manager > HadoopSQL, click Edit.
- Add the custom principal name used by each of the following services:
- Update each default policy, by replacing the default prefix "all-*" with a custom
principal name.
Each service then uses the customized principal name instead of the default service user name.
Option 2: If you have not added new policies or modified existing default policies, you can rename existing plugin service user mapping properties.- In Ranger Web UI, add custom plugin service user mapping
properties in the Ranger Admin safety-valve for
ranger-admin-site.xml to have custom principal values. For example, if
default HDFS service principal is hdfs, the custom principal value should be
hdfsfoo0 and so on.
Table 1. Ranger Plugin Service Names and Principals Ranger Plugin Service Property key
Property value
HDFS ranger.plugins.hdfs.serviceuser hdfsfoo0 HBASE ranger.plugins.hbase.serviceuser hbasefoo0 HIVE ranger.plugins.hive.serviceuser hivefoo0
YARN ranger.plugins.yarn.serviceuser yarnfoo0 KAFKA ranger.plugins.kafka.serviceuser kafkafoo0 KNOX ranger.plugins.knox.serviceuser knoxfoo IMPALA ranger.plugins.impala.serviceuser impalafoo0 CRUISE CONTROL ranger.plugins.cruise_control.serviceuser cruisecontrolfoo0 STREAMS REPLICATION MANAGER ranger.plugins.streams_replication_manager.serviceuser streamsreprgrfoo0 STREAMS MESSAGING MANAGER ranger.plugins.streams_messaging_manager.serviceuser streamsmgrfoo0 SOLR ranger.plugins.solr.serviceuser solrfoo0 SCHEMAREGISTRY ranger.plugins.schemaregistry.serviceuser schemaregistryfoo0 OZONE ranger.plugins.ozone.serviceuser ozonefoo0 NIFI ranger.plugins.nifi.serviceuser nififoo0 NIFI REGISTRY ranger.plugins.nifiregistry.serviceuser nifiregistryfoo0 RANGER TAGSYNC (Role in Ranger service) ranger.plugins.tagsync.serviceuser rangertagsyncfoo0 - In Cloudera Manager > Ranger > Actions run Setup Plugin Services.
This will create all Ranger plugin services with policies that give permissions to customized principals.
If your Knox service uses a custom service principal (for example., knoxfoo0), you must update the Ranger Knox proxy properties in ranger-admin-site.xml safety valve,<property> <name>ranger.proxyuser.knoxfoo0.users</name> <value>*</value> </property> <property> <name>ranger.proxyuser.knoxfoo0.groups</name> <value>*</value> </property> <property> <name>ranger.proxyuser.knoxfoo0.hosts</name> <value>*</value> </property>
The existing Ranger Knox Proxy properties shown on the Cloudera Manager UI in Ranger are meant for default service principal - knox. You must update them with the following values:
ranger_proxyuser_knox_hosts = _no_host_ ranger_proxyuser_knox_groups = _no_group_ ranger_proxyuser_knox_users = _no_user_
If the Ranger KMS or Ranger KMS with KTS service is used in an environment in which custom kerberos principals are configured,- In Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for
conf/kms-site.xml add the following configuration properties:
with a*
value to the Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for conf/kms-site.xml for the custom kerberos principal names of the following services:- Hue
- HttpFS
- Zeppelin
- Livy
- MapRed
- Hive
- Oozie
- Set the existing Proxy User Groups and Proxy User Hosts
configuration properties with a
value respectively for the default kerberos principal names of the services in the preceding list, using the following steps:- In Cloudera Manager, go to Clusters > Ranger KMS > Configuration.
- Enter kms-site.xml in Search to find Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for conf/kms-site.xml.
- In Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for
conf/kms-site.xml add the following configuration properties:
with a * value for the custom kerberos principal names of the services to the following services:
- Hue
- HttpFS
- Zeppelin
- Livy
- MapRed
- Hive
- Oozie
- Enter Proxy User in Search to find Proxy User Groups and Proxy User Hosts.
- Set a _no_group_ or _no_host_ value respectively for each of the existing Proxy User Groups and Proxy User Hosts properties for the default kerberos principal names of the services mentioned above.
- Click Save Changes.
- Restart the Ranger KMS or Ranger KMS with KTS service.
If your Ranger RMS service uses a custom principal name (for example - rangerrmsfoo0), you must configure HMS to use rangerrmsfoo0 as a super user. To do so,
Add the following property using the HMS configuration page in Cloudera Manager > > Hive Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for core-site.xml:hadoop.proxyuser.rangerrmsfoo0.hosts=*
Update the existing Hive Metastore Access Control and Ranger RMS Proxy User Hosts property (which is meant for default principal name - rangerrms) from * to no_host_ .
After updating all the properties above, use Cloudera Manager to Restart Stale Services.
Option 3: Use auth-to-local rule mapping to map custom principals to default service user names.
You can add auth-to-local rules, using Cloudera Manager > HDFS > Configuration > Additional Rules to Map Kerberos Principals to Short Names.
Configuring Ranger Admin role with custom principals for a template-based install.
If you use a template to set up a cluster with customized principals, you must configure the Ranger Admin role, by adding properties and values in roleConfigGroups.
- Update existing Ranger knox proxy configs for the default knox
{ "name": "ranger_proxyuser_knox_users", "value": "_no_user_" }, { "name": "ranger_proxyuser_knox_groups", "value": "_no_group_" }, { "name": "ranger_proxyuser_knox_hosts", "value": "_no_host_" }
- Update conf/ranger-admin-site.xml_role_safety_valve to have
the Ranger knox proxy configs override for knox custom principal name, for example:
{ "name": "conf/ranger-admin-site.xml_role_safety_valve", "value": "<property> <name>ranger.proxyuser.knoxfoo0.users</name> <value>*</value> </property> <property> <name>ranger.proxyuser.knoxfoo0.groups</name> <value>*</value> </property> <property> <name>ranger.proxyuser.knoxfoo0.hosts</name> <value>*</value> </property>" }
- Add ranger.plugins.<service>.serviceuser configs override
in conf/ranger-admin-site.xml_role_safety_valve to have the
custom principal name used by each Ranger plugin supported services. For example, if Hdfs service is using hdfsfoo0 principal then the config will be ranger.plugins.hdfs.serviceuser=hdfsfoo0. This will help to create default policies for custom principal name into Ranger Admin.
{ "name": "conf/ranger-admin-site.xml_role_safety_valve", "value": "<property> <name>ranger.plugins.hdfs.serviceuser</name> <value>hdfsfoo0</value> </property> <property> <name>ranger.plugins.hive.serviceuser</name> <value>hivefoo0</value> </property> <property> <name>ranger.plugins.hbase.serviceuser</name> <value>hbasefoo0</value> </property> <property> <name>ranger.plugins.yarn.serviceuser</name> <value>yarnfoo0</value> </property> <property> <name>ranger.plugins.knox.serviceuser</name> <value>knoxfoo0</value> </property> <property> <name>ranger.plugins.kafka.serviceuser</name> <value>kafkafoo0</value> </property> <property> <name>ranger.plugins.atlas.serviceuser</name> <value>atlas</value> </property> <property> <name>ranger.plugins.impala.serviceuser</name> <value>impalafoo0</value> </property> <property> <name>ranger.plugins.cruise_control.serviceuser</name> <value>cruisecontrolfoo0</value> </property> <property> <name>ranger.plugins.schemaregistry.serviceuser</name> <value>schemaregistryfoo0</value> </property> <property> <name>ranger.plugins.streams_messaging_manager.serviceuser</name> <value>streamsmsgmgrfoo0</value> </property> <property> <name>ranger.plugins.streams_replication_manager.serviceuser</name> <value>streamsrepmgrfoo0</value> </property> <property> <name>ranger.plugins.solr.serviceuser</name> <value>solrfoo0</value> </property>" }
- If installing RANGER_KMS service, you must add the configurations that specify
custom principal names of Hdfs, Hbase, Hive services into
conf/ranger-admin-site.xml_role_safety_valve. This helps to
create default policies for these service principal names for Ranger KMS service
(cm_kms) into Ranger Admin.
{ "name": "conf/ranger-admin-site.xml_role_safety_valve", "value": "<property> <name>ranger.kms.service.user.hdfs</name> <value>hdfsfoo0</value> </property> <property> <name>ranger.kms.service.user.hive</name> <value>hivefoo0</value> </property> <property> <name>ranger.kms.service.user.hbase</name> <value>hbasefoo0</value> </property>" }
- Update existing Ranger knox proxy configs for the default knox