Preparing clusters to replicate Ozone data
You must prepare the clusters, create buckets in the target cluster, and configure additional configurations for OBS bucket replication before you create Ozone replication policies.
- Have you added the source cluster as a peer to the target cluster? For information about adding a cluster as a peer, see Adding cluster as a peer.
Have you created the bucket on the target cluster of the same type as the
bucket on the source cluster from which the replication policy replicates
The following sample commands create a volume and an FSO bucket:
ozone sh volume create o3://ozone1/vol1 ozone sh bucket create o3://ozone1/vol1/buck1 --layout FILE_SYSTEM_OPTIMIZED
- Are the additional configurations required for OBS bucket replication configured when the source bucket is an OBS bucket? For more information, see Configuring properties for OBS bucket replication using Ozone replication policies.
Is Kerberos enabled on both the clusters? If so, perform the following
- Configure the SSL/TLS certificate exchange manually on source Cloudera Manager and target Cloudera Manager. For more information, see Configuring SSL/TLS certificate exchange between two Cloudera Manager instances.
- Configure a user with permissions to access HDFS and Ozone.
Run the following command to add the group name of the user (For
example, the group name bdr) to the Ozone service
configuration in target cluster Cloudera Manager:
sudo usermod -a -G om bdr command
If Ranger is enabled on the source cluster, you must perform the
following steps:
Login to the Ranger UI from source Cloudera Manager.
Click cm_ozone on the Service Manager page.
Add the user (that you configured in step 2) and hive to the all - volume, bucket, key policy name, and then set the groups for this policy as public.