Resuming Flink applications

After updating the Cloudera Streaming Analytics artifacts, you can resume your application by the Flink run command. In case you have stopped your application by creating a savepoint, you must add the savepoint location to the command.

Resuming Flink applications without state

  1. Connect to your host where you run your Flink jobs using ssh.
    ssh root@[***FLINK HOSTNAME***]
  2. Submit your Flink application that was stopped before the upgrade.
    flink run [***RUN ARGUMENTS***] \
    [***JAR FILE***] [***APP ARGUMENTS***]

Resuming stateful Flink applications

  1. Connect to your host where you run your Flink jobs using ssh.
    ssh root@[***FLINK HOSTNAME***]
  2. Submit your Flink application that was stopped before the upgrade.
    flink run [***RUN ARGUMENTS***] \
    -fromSavepoint hdfs:///tmp/savepoints/[***SAVEPOINT NAME***] \ 
    [***JAR FILE***] [***APP ARGUMENTS***]