Configuring Strimzi Cluster Operator

Learn how to configure an existing deployment of the Strimzi Cluster Operator with helm upgrade.

The Strimzi Cluster Operator is deployed when you install Strimzi to your Kubernetes cluster. During installation you can configure the Cluster Operator. If required, you can make configuration updates following installation. This is done with helm upgrade command using the --reuse-values option together with the -f (--values) or --set options.

helm upgrade [***RELEASE***] [***CHART***] \
  --namespace [***NAMESPACE***] \
  (--set '[***KEY***]=[***VALUE***]' | -f [***MY-VALUES.YAML***]) \
  • Ensure that [***RELEASE***] and [***CHART***] are the same as the ones you used during installation. You can use helm list to list currently installed releases and charts.
  • Use --set if you want to update properties directly from the command line. Helm supports various --set options like --set-file, --set-string, and others. You can use any of these options.
  • Use -f (--values) if you want to pass a file containing your configuration updates.
  • The --reuse-values option instructs Helm to merge existing values with new ones. You use this option when you want to update an existing configuration

Configurable properties

The Strimzi Cluster Operator accepts various configuration properties. You can find a comprehensive list of these properties in the Helm chart configuration reference. Alternatively, you can list available properties with helm show readme.
helm show readme [***CHART***]