Increasing the Strimzi Cluster Operator's memory

If you want a single installation of the Strimzi Cluster Operator to watch and manage more than 20 Kafka clusters, you must increase the memory and heap allocated for the Strimzi Cluster Operator. Otherwise, you will encounter out of memory and heap related errors. To do this, you configure memory-related properties.

To configure the memory allocated to the Strimzi Cluster Operator, set -XX:MinRAMPercentage and -XX:MaxRAMPercentage Java parameters. Additionally, configure resources.limits.memory and resources.requests.memory Helm properties.

The following example contains memory settings recommended by Cloudera for a deployment with more than 20 Kafka clusters. You can fine-tune your setting as needed.

helm upgrade [***RELEASE***] [***CHART***] \
  --namespace [***NAMESPACE***] \
  --set 'extraEnvs[0].name=JAVA_OPTS' \
  --set 'extraEnvs[0].value=-XX:MinRAMPercentage=25 -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=70' \
  --set 'resources.limits.memory=600Mi' \
  --set 'resources.requests.memory=600Mi' \
The default values for the properties configured in the example are as follows.
  • -XX:MinRAMPercentage=15
  • -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=20
  • resources.limits.memory=384Mi
  • resources.requests.memory=384Mi