Collaborate with other users
You can collaborate and share insights with other users in the enterprise regarding various datasets.
You can rate datasets and view the average rating of a dataset. This can help other users to find datasets with higher ratings easily. You can also add your knowledge and insights about the asset collection by adding comments. Other users can respond to your comments or add their comments about each data asset collection.
On the right hand side of each asset collection page, you can see additional details about the dataset. The collaboration details are also displayed in this tab. The tab displays the following details - average rating for the asset collection, the number of likes, the number of comments, and the bookmark icon indicating if the dataset is bookmarked by the current user or not.
You can perform the following collaboration actions for each dataset.
Like a Dataset
You can let other users know that you like a Dataset. The like icon on the Dataset page displays the total number of likes received by this Dataset.
Click the like icon to add the Dataset to your list of liked collections.
Comment and discuss about a Dataset
You might want to share your knowledge or insights about this Dataset with other users. Data Catalog allows you to collaborate with other users by adding comments.
Click the comment icon to add a comment about this Dataset. The Collaborate tab expands. Click Actions menu to reply to an existing comment. You can continue to add comments for each Dataset.
Bookmark the Dataset
In addition to sharing with other users, you can also bookmark Datasets for easy access in the future.
Click the bookmark icon to add the Dataset to your list of bookmarks. This Dataset will appear in the list of bookmarks when you click the Bookmarks link on the left navigation menu.
Rate the Dataset
You can also rate the datasets on a scale of one to five. Click the star icon to rate the open Dataset. The Collaborate tab expands.
Click the stars to provide your own rating. The rating on the Datasets page shows the average of the rating provided by various users. The Rating section also displays the number of votes given for this Dataset.
View the tags of an Dataset
You can add tags while creating the Dataset. You can also click on the tags to search for Datasets with similar tags. There are two types of tags. System tags are automatically generated based on the details of the assets in the Datasets. You can add more tags that appear in the list of user generated tags.