Additional Entity type selection for searching Assets
Using the Data Catalog service, you can search for assets by using the entity types.
Data Catalog users can search and discover assets of more types. Users can search assets of types just like they do for Hive Table with some restrictions.
HBase Table
HBase Column Family
HBase Namespace
Hive DB
Hive Table
Hive Column
ML Project
ML Model Build
ML Model Deployment
NiFi Flow
NiFi Data
Impala Process
Impala Column Lineage
Impala Process Execution
Kafka Topic
RDBMS Column
RDBMS Foreign Key
RDBMS Instance
Spark Process
Spark Application
Spark Column
Spark Column Lineage
Spark DB
Spark ML Directory
Spark ML Model
Spark ML Pipeline
Spark Process Execution
Spark Table
Selecting a type triggers a search query for that type. Currently two types of entities are supported but totally about twelve types of generic entities can be selected to search for assets depending on the data lake.
Owners data is derived from the response received from type based queries.
The following example diagrams depict the entity type selection search results.