Managing heterogenous GPU nodes

If you have heterogeneous GPU nodes and want to run Spark jobs or sessions on a specific GPU node, then the Kubernetes platform administrator must add the node labels and taints.

You can use the below commands to manage labels and taint the node.

  • Add Node Label
    kubectl label nodes worker-node1
  • Remove Node Label
    kubectl label nodes worker-node1

    If you want to control running CPU workloads on GPU nodes, it is recommended to set node taint.

  • Add Taint
    kubectl taint nodes worker-node1
  • Remove Taint
    kubectl taint nodes worker-node1

After you add label and taint to the nodes, data engineers can provide node selectors and tolerations during the Spark job submission. For more information about adding node lables and taints, see Node Labels and Taints and Tolerations.

For information about using labels and taints when creating CDE Jobs, see Creating jobs in Cloudera Data Engineering.