Scheduling jobs in Cloudera Data Engineering

Jobs in Cloudera Data Engineering can be run on demand, or scheduled to run on an ongoing basis. The following instructions demonstrate how to create or modify a schedule for an existing job.

  1. In the Cloudera console, click the Data Engineering tile. The Cloudera Data Engineering Home page displays.
  2. Click Jobs on the left navigation menu. The Jobs page displays.
  3. Click in the Actions column next to the job, and then click Add Schedule.
  4. In the Schedule tab, click Create a Schedule.
  5. Set the Start time, End time, and Cron expression.
    The start and end times designate the time frame for which the schedule is active. The Cron expression uses the cron scheduling syntax to specify when the application should run within the start and end times. For information and examples of the cron syntax, see the Cron entry on Wikipedia.
  6. Select optional scheduling configurations:
    1. Select Enable Catchup to kick off job runs for any data interval that has not been run since the last data interval. If this option is not selected, only the runs that start after the time that the job was created will be included.
    2. Select Depends on Previous to ensure that each job run is preceeded by a successful job run.
  7. Click Schedule.