Creating Airflow jobs using Cloudera Data Engineering

Learn about how to create Airflow jobs using Cloudera Data Engineering.

An Airflow job in Cloudera Data Engineering consists of an Airflow DAG file and various optional resources. Jobs can be run on demand or scheduled.

  1. In the Cloudera Management Console, click the Data Engineering tile and click Overview.
  2. In the Cloudera Data Engineering Services column, select the service that contains the virtual cluster that you want to create a job for.
  3. In the Virtual Clusters column, locate the virtual cluster that you want to use and click the View Jobs icon.
  4. In the left navigation menu, click Jobs.
  5. Click the Create Job button.
  6. Provide the Job Details:
    1. Select Airflow for the job type. The available fields on the user interface updates automatically.
    2. Specify the Name.
    3. Click the File option and select the way you want to provide the DAG file. Using the File option, you can do the following:
      • Upload the DAG file to a new resource.
      • Use the DAG file from a previously created resource.
      • Upload any other resources required for the job.

      For more information about the Editor, see Creating an Airflow DAG using the Pipeline UI.

  7. If you do not want to run the job immediately, click the Create and Run drop-down menu and then click Create. Otherwise, click Create and Run to run the job immediately.