Managing autoscaling
The CDP CLI has two options for reviewing autoscaling activity.
cdp datahub list-scaling-activities
- Returns all of the scaling activities (or only failed scaling activities) in the given
duration, or activities that have a start time in the given time interval between
start-time and end-time for a particular cluster. YARN recommendation and YARN
recommendation time for all the activities are also included in the
list-scaling-activities --cluster <value> [--duration <value>] [--start-time <value>] [--end-time <value>] [--only-failed-scaling-activities | --no-only-failed-scaling-activities] [--max-items <value>] [--starting-token <value>] [--page-size <value>] [--cli-input-json <value>] [--generate-cli-skeleton]
Table 1. Parameter Description --cluster Required. The cluster Name or CRN of the cluster for which you want to list all of the scaling activities. --duration Value of the duration in minutes from the current point to current point minus the duration. The default value is 60 minutes. --start-time Time in epoch milliseconds after which you want the activities. --end-time Time in epoch milliseconds until which you want the activities. --only-failed-scaling-activities | --no-only-failed-scaling-activities Determines if only the failed scaling activities for that particular cluster are returned. --max-items Indicates the maximum number of scaling activities that can be present in a page. Also indicates next-token in the output, which can be used as starting-token to get the next set of scaling-activities. --starting-token Number of the page from which you want all the pages. Default value is 0. --page-size Number of entries you want to get in each API call for listing scaling activities. The default value is 100. Sample output:
{ "operationId":"61ed5711-6a80-45b7-850c-b428b838145c", "startTime":"2025-01-24T10:25:00.115000+00:00", "yarnRecommendationTime":"2025-01-24T10:25:00.115000+00:00", "yarnRecommendation":"Successfully polled YARN to fetch cluster metrics. YarnRecommendedScaleUpCount: '0', YarnRecommendedDecommission: [], DeterminedScaleUpCount (based on step-size and maxAllowedUpscale): '0', DeterminedDecommissionHosts (based on step-size and maxAllowedDownscale): []. ", "scalingActivityReason":" Cannot trigger any scaling operation as there was no recommendation for scaling from yarn", "activityStatus":"METRICS_COLLECTION_SUCCESS" }
cdp datahub describe-scaling-activity
- Returns the scaling activity corresponding to the cluster and operationId provided by
the user.
describe-scaling-activity --cluster <value> --operation-id <value> [--cli-input-json <value>] [--generate-cli-skeleton]
Table 2. Parameter Description --cluster Required. The cluster name or CRN of the cluster for which you want to fetch the particular scaling activity. --operation-id Required. The operation ID of the scaling activity that you want to fetch.