Choropleth DMA map

In CDP Data Visualization Map visual, you can visualize measurements on a map of DMA regions. A DMA map shows various measurements plotted relative to Nielsen Designated Market Area Regions.

In this example, the DMA TV Home Viewing is used, which is built on the dma-tv-home-viewing.csv datafile.

  1. Start a new visual based on the DMA TV Home Viewing dataset.
    For instructions, see Creating a visual.
  2. In the VISUALS menu, find and click Map.
    The shelves of the visual changed. They are now Geo, Color, Size, Drill, Tooltips, X Trellis, Y Trellis, and Filters. The only mandatory shelf for map visuals is Geo.
  3. Populate the shelves from the available fields (Dimensions and Measures) in the DATA menu.
    • Under Dimensions, select dma and add it to the Geo shelf.
    • Under Measures, select homes and add it to the Color shelf.
  4. Alias the field dma as DMA, and sum(homes) as Number of Homes.
    For instructions, see Alias.
  5. Add the dimension dma_name to the Tooltips shelf, and then alias it as DMA Name.
  6. Optional: Enable panning and zooming option, as described in Customizing zoom.
  7. Optional: Change the color palette, as described in Change color palette visuals.
    The map visual appears. You can move the visual (pan), zoom in and out, and see the details in the Tooltips text.
  9. Click the pencil/edit icon next to the title of the visualization to enter a name for the visual.

    In this example, the title is changed to 'US DMA TV Viewing Map'. You can also add a brief description of the visual as a subtitle below the title of the visualization.

  10. At the top left corner of the Dashboard Designer, click SAVE.