Adding a new Database Catalog
In addition to the default Database Catalog, created automatically, you can add additional Database Catalogs if you want a standalone data warehouse without any data related to the default Database Catalog.
When you activate an environment from the Data Warehouse, a default Database Catalog is created and named after your environment. This HMS instance associated with the default Database Catalog is the same HMS as the one used by your CDP environment. You can add additional Database Catalogs if you want standalone data warehouses based on a new HMS instance. When you create a new Database Catalog, you specify which environment to use. If you make a change to the default database catalog, the change is reflected in the environment where the default Database Catalog resides. However, if you make any change to the non-default database catalogs, the change is not reflected in that environment.
You can optionally load demo data in Hue when you create a new Database Catalog.Required role: DWAdmin