Querying data in Cloudera Data Warehouse

This topic describes how to query data in your Virtual Warehouse on Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW).

Required role: DWUser

The CDW service includes the Hue SQL editor that you can use to submit queries to Virtual Warehouses. For example, you can use Hue to submit queries to an Impala Virtual Warehouse. You can use Data Analytics Studio (DAS) to submit queries to a Hive Virtual Warehouse. The following steps show you how to use Hue. To use DAS, simply open DAS instead of HUE.

  1. Log in to the CDP web interface and navigate to the Data Warehouse service.
  2. In the Data Warehouse service, navigate to the Overview page.
  3. On the Overview page under Virtual Warehouses, click the options menu in the upper right corner of the tile for one of the Virtual Warehouses, and click Open Hue.
  4. Enter your query into the editor and submit it to the Virtual Warehouse.