Disable the SSL or TLS requirement for HMS database
Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) on Private Cloud requires that you enable SSL or TLS on the database that you use for the Hive MetaStore (HMS) on the base cluster. However, if you have not configured SSL or TLS on the HMS database and you want to continue using CDW, then you must disable the SSL requirement, so that the Database Catalog does not fail to start in an attempt to establish a secure connection with an unsecured database.
script used to
disable CDW's requirement to have an SSL-enabled database is designed to work on
Machintosh OS.- Log in to the Data Warehouse service as DWAdmin.
Obtain the namespace of the Database Catalog from the Database Catalog
The Database Catalog namespace is on the line under the Environment name.
- Open a terminal session on your computer.
command-line tools. -
Create a work directory.
You use this directory to create and save the
file, which you create in the next step. -
Create the
file on your computer by copying the following lines:#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail #set -euvx SHORT=k:,n:,c:,u,a,b:,w:,h >&2 echo "OS-Type: ${OSTYPE}" if [[ "${OSTYPE}" == "darwin"* ]]; then >&2 echo "Using only short options in getopt" OPTS=$(getopt $SHORT "$@") #elif [[ "${OSTYPE}" == "linux-gnu"* ]]; then elif [[ "${OSTYPE}" == "linux-"* ]]; then >&2 echo "Using both short and long options in getopt" LONG=kubeconfig:,namespace:,config-map:,clean-up,apply,backup:,working-directory:,help OPTS=$(getopt -a -n generate --options $SHORT --longoptions $LONG -- "$@") else >&2 echo "Unsupported OS type: ${OSTYPE}" exit 249 fi eval set -- "${OPTS}" usage() { >&2 echo <<EOF "Updates the SSL mode of javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL in hive-site.xml of the specified config map in specified namespace. Please take attention that during the update the kube config file is copied into a temporary directory in /tmp Prerequisites: - kubectl >= 1.23 - yq >= 4.x Usage: $0 -k|--kubeconfig <path-to-kube-config-file> -n|--namespace <k8s-namespace> [-s|--ssl-mode <ssl-mode-to-be-set>] [-c|--config-map <name-of-config-map-to-update>] Mandatory parameters: -k|--kubeconfig <path-to-a-kubeconfig-yaml-file> the location of kube config file to use -n|--namespace <namespace-name> the kubernetes namespace to edit Optional parameters: -c|--config-map <config-map-name-to-update> the name of config map to update default: hive-conf-metastore -w|--working-directory <a-directory> a directory where temporary created files are stored if not specified then something is created under /tmp using command mktemp -d -u|--clean-up deletes the resources created during update -a|--apply applies the changes if not specified it only generates the new config map file but is not applying that. -b|--backup <backup-file-name> creates a backup in tar.gz (aka tgz) format. it will contain all files in working-directory -h|--help this description " EOF } # KUBECONFIG="shared-os-dev-01.yaml" # NAMESPACE="compute-sj-230509t1723-hive" CONFIG_MAP_NAME="hive-conf-metastore" # BACKUP_FILE_NAME="/dev/null" APPLY="false" CLEAN_UP="false" echo ${OPTS} while : do case "$1" in -k | --kubeconfig ) KUBECONFIG="$2" shift 2 ;; -n | --namespace ) NAMESPACE="$2" shift 2 ;; -c | --config-map ) CONFIG_MAP_NAME="$2" shift 2 ;; -b | --backup ) BACKUP_FILE_NAME="$2" >&2 echo "Creating backup at the end: ${BACKUP_FILE_NAME}" shift 2 ;; -w | --working-directory ) WD="$2" shift 2 ;; -a | --apply ) APPLY="true" >&2 echo "Applying changes at the end" shift 1 ;; -u | --clean-up ) CLEAN_UP="true" >&2 echo "Cleaning up at the end" shift 1 ;; -h | --help ) usage exit 2 ;; --) shift break ;; *) >&2 echo "unexpected option: $1" ;; esac done which yq >/dev/null || (echo "yq not found"; exit 251) YQ_CURRENT_VERSION=`yq --version | awk '{ print $4; }' | cut -c 2-` YQ_REQUIRED_VERSION=4.18.1 if [ "$(printf '%s\n' "${YQ_REQUIRED_VERSION}" "${YQ_CURRENT_VERSION}" | sort -V | head -n1)" = "${YQ_REQUIRED_VERSION}" ]; then >&2 echo "version of yq (${YQ_CURRENT_VERSION}) is greater than or equal to ${YQ_REQUIRED_VERSION} ... OK" else >&2 echo "version of 'yq' must be greater than or equal to '${YQ_REQUIRED_VERSION}' but it is '${YQ_CURRENT_VERSION}' ... FAILED" exit 248 fi which kubectl which kubectl >/dev/null || (echo "kubectl not found"; exit 252) if [[ -z "${KUBECONFIG+x}" ]]; then >&2 echo "ERROR: missing kubeconfig use -k or --kubeconfig" usage exit 254 fi if [[ ! -f ${KUBECONFIG} ]]; then >&2 echo "ERROR: kubeconfig file does not exist: ${KUBECONFIG}" exit 246 fi KUBECTL_CLIENT_CURRENT_VERSION="$(kubectl --kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG} version -o yaml | yq '.clientVersion | [.major,.minor] | join(".")')" KUBECTL_CLIENT_REQUIRED_VERSION=1.23 if [ "$(printf '%s\n' "${KUBECTL_CLIENT_REQUIRED_VERSION}" "${KUBECTL_CLIENT_CURRENT_VERSION}" | sort -V | head -n1)" = "${KUBECTL_CLIENT_REQUIRED_VERSION}" ]; then >&2 echo "version of kubectl (${KUBECTL_CLIENT_CURRENT_VERSION}) is greater than or equal to ${KUBECTL_CLIENT_REQUIRED_VERSION} ... OK" else >&2 echo "version of 'kubectl' must be greater than or equal to '${KUBECTL_CLIENT_REQUIRED_VERSION}' but it is '${KUBECTL_CLIENT_CURRENT_VERSION}' ... FAILED" exit 247 fi if [[ -z "${NAMESPACE+x}" ]]; then >&2 echo "ERROR: missing namespace use -n or --namespace" usage exit 253 fi if [[ -z "${WD+x}" ]]; then WD=$(mktemp -d) fi if [[ -z ${BACKUP_FILE_NAME+x} ]]; then BACKUP_FILE_NAME="backup.${NAMESPACE}.${CONFIG_MAP_NAME}.$(date -u +%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ).tar.gz" fi [[ -d "${WD}" ]] || mkdir -p "${WD}" cat <<EOF > "${WD}/logs" Working directory: ${WD} kubeconfig: ${KUBECONFIG} namespace: ${NAMESPACE} config-map: ${CONFIG_MAP_NAME} apply: ${APPLY} backup: ${BACKUP_FILE_NAME} clean-up: ${CLEAN_UP} EOF >&2 cat "${WD}/logs" LOCAL_KUBECONFIG="$(basename "${KUBECONFIG}")" cp "${KUBECONFIG}" "${WD}/${LOCAL_KUBECONFIG}" pushd "${WD}" ORIGINAL_CM_NAME="original.configmap.${CONFIG_MAP_NAME}.yaml" ORIGINAL_HIVE_SITE_XML="${ORIGINAL_CM_NAME}.hive-site.xml" UPDATED_CM_NAME="updated.configmap.${CONFIG_MAP_NAME}.yaml" export UPDATED_HIVE_SITE_XML="${UPDATED_CM_NAME}.hive-site.xml" env | grep -i path >&2 echo "kubectl --kubeconfig \"${LOCAL_KUBECONFIG}\" get configmap \"${CONFIG_MAP_NAME}\" -n \"${NAMESPACE}\" -o yaml > \"${ORIGINAL_CM_NAME}\"" kubectl --kubeconfig "${LOCAL_KUBECONFIG}" get configmap "${CONFIG_MAP_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -o yaml > "${ORIGINAL_CM_NAME}" yq '.data."hive-site.xml"' > "${ORIGINAL_HIVE_SITE_XML}" < "${ORIGINAL_CM_NAME}" disableSslModeInPostgreSql() { local CONNECTION_URL="${1//sslmode=[^&]*/sslmode=disable}" CONNECTION_URL="${CONNECTION_URL//sslrootcert=[^&]*/}" CONNECTION_URL="${CONNECTION_URL//&&&*/&}" if [[ "${CONNECTION_URL:0-1}" == "&" ]]; then CONNECTION_URL="${CONNECTION_URL::-1}" fi if [[ "${CONNECTION_URL:0-1}" == "?" ]]; then CONNECTION_URL="${CONNECTION_URL::-1}" fi echo "${CONNECTION_URL}" } disableSslModeInMySql() { local CONNECTION_URL="${1//sslMode=[^&]*/sslMode=PREFERRED}" CONNECTION_URL="${CONNECTION_URL//trustCertificateKeyStoreUrl=[^&]*/}" CONNECTION_URL="${CONNECTION_URL//trustCertificateKeyStorePassword=[^&]*/}" CONNECTION_URL="${CONNECTION_URL//&&&*/&}" if [[ "${CONNECTION_URL:0-1}" == "&" ]]; then CONNECTION_URL="${CONNECTION_URL::-1}" fi if [[ "${CONNECTION_URL:0-1}" == "?" ]]; then CONNECTION_URL="${CONNECTION_URL::-1}" fi echo "${CONNECTION_URL}" } disableSslModeInOracle() { local CONNECTION_URL="${1//javax.net.ssl.trustStore=[^&]*/}" CONNECTION_URL="${CONNECTION_URL//@tcps:/@tcp:}" CONNECTION_URL="${CONNECTION_URL//javax.net.ssl.trustStoreType=[^&]*/}" CONNECTION_URL="${CONNECTION_URL//javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=[^&]*/}" CONNECTION_URL="${CONNECTION_URL//javax.net.ssl.keyStore=[^&]*/}" CONNECTION_URL="${CONNECTION_URL//javax.net.ssl.keyStoreType=[^&]*/}" CONNECTION_URL="${CONNECTION_URL//javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=[^&]*/}" CONNECTION_URL="${CONNECTION_URL//oracle.net.ssl_cipher_suites=[^&]*/}" CONNECTION_URL="${CONNECTION_URL//oracle.net.ssl_server_dn_match=[^&]*/}" CONNECTION_URL="${CONNECTION_URL//oracle.net.authentication_services=[^&]*/}" CONNECTION_URL="${CONNECTION_URL//&&&*/&}" if [[ "${CONNECTION_URL:0-1}" == "&" ]]; then CONNECTION_URL="${CONNECTION_URL::-1}" fi if [[ "${CONNECTION_URL:0-1}" == "?" ]]; then CONNECTION_URL="${CONNECTION_URL::-1}" fi echo "${CONNECTION_URL}" } ORIGINAL_CONNECTION_URL=$(yq -p=xml '.Configuration.property[]|select(.name=="javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL")|.value' < "${ORIGINAL_HIVE_SITE_XML}"); if [[ -n ${ORIGINAL_CONNECTION_URL} ]]; then >&2 echo "javax.jso.option.ConnectioURL=${ORIGINAL_CONNECTION_URL}"; echo "javax.jso.option.ConnectioURL=${ORIGINAL_CONNECTION_URL}" >> logs; IFS=':' read -a token <<< "${ORIGINAL_CONNECTION_URL}" DRIVER="${token[1]}" >&2 echo "JDBC-Driver: ${DRIVER}" echo "Driver: ${DRIVER}" >> logs case "${DRIVER}" in postgres | postgresql ) export NEW_CONNECTION_URL=$(disableSslModeInPostgreSql "${ORIGINAL_CONNECTION_URL}") ;; mysql | mariadb ) export NEW_CONNECTION_URL=$(disableSslModeInMySql "${ORIGINAL_CONNECTION_URL}") ;; oracle ) export NEW_CONNECTION_URL=$(disableSslModeInOracle "${ORIGINAL_CONNECTION_URL}") ;; * ) >&2 echo "Unsupported JDBC-Driver: ${DRIVER}" exit 250 ;; esac >&2 echo "New ConnectionURL: ${NEW_CONNECTION_URL}"; echo "New ConnectionURL: ${NEW_CONNECTION_URL}" >> logs; yq -p=xml '.Configuration.property|=map(select(.name=="javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL").value=env(NEW_CONNECTION_URL))' -o=xml > "${UPDATED_HIVE_SITE_XML}" 2>> logs < "${ORIGINAL_HIVE_SITE_XML}" kubectl --kubeconfig "${LOCAL_KUBECONFIG}" get configmap "${CONFIG_MAP_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -o yaml | yq '.data."hive-site.xml" |= load_str(env(UPDATED_HIVE_SITE_XML))' > "${UPDATED_CM_NAME}" 2>>logs if [[ ${APPLY} == "true" ]]; then >&2 echo "Applying: kubectl --kubeconfig \"${LOCAL_KUBECONFIG}\" apply -f ${UPDATED_CM_NAME}" echo "Applying: kubectl --kubeconfig \"${LOCAL_KUBECONFIG}\" apply -f ${UPDATED_CM_NAME}" >> logs kubectl --kubeconfig "${LOCAL_KUBECONFIG}" apply -f "${UPDATED_CM_NAME}" >> logs 2>&1 fi fi; popd if [[ -n ${BACKUP_FILE_NAME+x} ]]; then >&2 echo "Creating backup from working-directory: ${BACKUP_FILE_NAME}" echo "Creating backup from working-directory: ${BACKUP_FILE_NAME}" >> "${WD}/logs" tar czf "${BACKUP_FILE_NAME}" -C "${WD}" . fi if [[ "${CLEAN_UP}" == "true" ]]; then >&2 echo "Clean-up working-directory: ${WD}" rm -rf "${WD}" fi
Run the
script as follows:./disable-sslmode.sh -k [***KUBECONFIG-FILENAME***].yaml -n [***DBC-NAMESPACE***] -c hive-conf-metastore -w [***WORK-DIRECTORY***]
with the actual kubeconfig yaml file and[***DBC-NAMESPACE***]
with the Database Catalog namespace that you noted earlier.Sample output:Working directory: /tmp/tmp.vQnpYUrIq5 kubeconfig: [***KUBECONFIG-FILENAME***].yaml namespace: [***DBC-NAMESPACE***] config-map: hive-conf-metastore apply: true backup: backup.[***DBC-NAMESPACE***].hive-conf-metastore.20230517T131955Z.tar.gz clean-up: false . . . JDBC-Driver: postgresql New ConnectionURL: jdbc:postgresql://postgres-service-default-warehouse:5432/hive1?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true&sslmode=disable Applying: kubectl --kubeconfig "[***KUBECONFIG-FILENAME***]" apply -f updated.configmap.hive-conf-metastore.yaml
Note the
New ConnectionURL
from the logs of thedisable-sslmode.sh
script. -
If the Database Catalog does not start automatically after the script completes
running, then restart the
pods as follows:kubectl --kubeconfig [***KUBECONFIG-FILENAME***].yaml delete pod metastore-0 -n [***DBC-NAMESPACE***]
Wait for the pods to restart and be in the running state. -
Go to Database Catalog >
> Edit > CONFIGURATIONS > Metastore and select hive-site from the Configuration files drop-down menu.
Add the value of the New ConnectionURL parameter in the
javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL field.
This ensures that a correct connection URL is delegated to the Virtual Warehouses from the Database Catalog.
- Click Apply Changes.