Fixed issues in Cloudera Data Warehouse Private Cloud
This section lists issues fixed in this release of the Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) service.
- OPSAPS-64734: Unable to add Impala as a new service if the default Hive warehouse directory is on Ozone
- Earlier, when you tried to add the Impala service when the default Hive warehouse directory was configured to be on Ozone, the operation failed because o3fs and ofs filesystem interfaces do not support modifying the ACLs. This issue has been fixed.
- OPSAPS-58019: “SERVICE_PRINCIPAL is required for kinit” error while activating a new environment
- Earlier, if the /etc/krb5.conf file on the Cloudera Manager host contained "include" or "includedir" directives, then you encountered Kerberos-related failures on both Embedded Container Service and RedHat OpenShift platforms, and you had to comment the lines containing “include” and “includedir” directives in the /etc/krb5.conf file. This issue has been fixed, and you no longer need to comment these directives.
- DWX-13753: Multiple CDW PVC Environments in same AD Domain (causes errors like Invalid Kerberos principals)
- Earlier, when you created a Private Cloud cluster, the Control
Plane created a default ECS environment with the name “default”. Because CDW uses
deterministic namespace names by default, the Kerberos keytabs on the existing ECS cluster
were invalidated by values from the new ECS cluster’s Cloudera Manager when you had
multiple ECS clusters managed using different instances of Cloudera Manager but using the
same Active Directory (AD) server. This caused the existing ECS environment to become
As a workaround, you had to disable the Use deterministic namespaces names option in the CDW Advanced Settings page before activating an environment in CDW.
This issue has been fixed. The default ECS environment is now created with a unique name by the Control Plane whenever you create a Private Cloud cluster. The environment name includes a portion of the ECS cluster’s app domain. You no longer have to disable the Use deterministic namespaces names option in the CDW Advanced Settings page before activating an environment in CDW.
If you want to create ECS or OCP environments with the same name from the respective Cloudera Manager instances, then you must deselect the Use deterministic namespaces names option in the CDW Advanced Settings page before activating an environment in CDW. Otherwise, the older environments become unusable.
- DWX-14281: Configuration changes to Database Catalogs are not applied
- This issue has been fixed
- DWX-14302: Hive query iolation executor pod crash loops with "Failed to start LLAP Daemon" exception
- Earlier, if you enabled the Query Isolation option on a Hive Virtual Warehouse, the queries that should run in isolation failed to start the executor, and eventually timed out with an exception. This issue has been fixed.
- DWX-6234: WAIT TIME seconds cannot be set to "0" in the Hive Virtual Warehouse UI
- Earlier, when you set the WAIT TIME in the Hive Virtual Warehouse to 0, the UI automatically used to change it to 60. This issue has been fixed.
- DWX-13934: Impala returns 401 Unauthorized error when connecting to an Impala Virtual Warehouse
- Earlier, Hue and Impala shell displayed a
401 Unauthorized error
when you submited a query to an Impala Virtual Warehouse. This issue has been fixed. - DWX-8348: Service Discovery does not work when Impala is enabled with Unified Analytics
- This issue has been fixed.
- DWX-13891: Hive queries intermittently fail with “InvalidACLException” error
- Earlier, you may have encountered the following error in Hue or Beeline when you run the DROP DATABASE, DROP TABLE, or ALTER TABLE DROP PARTITION operations on an Impala Virtual Warehouse running in the Unified Analytics mode: org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$InvalidACLException: KeeperErrorCode = InvalidACL for /llap-sasl/user-hive. This issue has been fixed.
- DWX-14536: HiveServer2 in Unified Analytics Does Not Apply Ranger Security Policies
- In Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW), HiveServer2 (HS2) in Unified Analytics is not using
, causing it to ignore Ranger security policies due to incorrect code paths.