Known issues in Database Catalogs

This topic describes the Database Catalog known issues for Cloudera Data Warehouse Private Cloud.

Known issues identified in 1.5.1

DWX-15869: Database Catalog edit page does not load
If the Trusted Kerberos Realms configuration on the base cluster's Core Settings service is not empty or if the Additional Rules to Map Kerberos Principals to Short Names field (auth_to_local_rule property) contains the following characters: \, ", \t, \n, \b, and \f, then the CDW Database Catalog and Virtual Warehouse edit page does not load. The logs of the dwx-server pod in the control plane namespace contain the following error message: Not able to render config, err:invalid character 'Q' in string escape code.
If the Trusted Kerberos Realms property is configured, then perform the folowing:
  1. Log in to Cloudera Manager as an Administrator.
  2. Go to Clusters > Core Settings service > Actions, click Download Client Configuration. Save the file on your computer and decompress it.
  3. Open the core-site.xml file and copy the value of the configuration property.
  4. Paste the value of the configuration property in a text editor and remove all \Q and \E regular expression constructs. Copy the modified text.
  5. Go to Cloudera Manager > Clusters > Core Settings service > Configuration and paste the modified text in the Additional Rules to Map Kerberos Principals to Short Names field.
  6. Remove the Trusted Kerberos Realms configuration from Core Settings service > Configuration tab.
  7. Click Save Changes.
  8. Restart the affected services in Cloudera Manager to apply stale configurations.
  9. Go to the Data Warehouse service and refresh your Database Catalogs and Virtual Warehouses. In case this does not work, deactivate and reactivate your environment in CDW.

If the Additional Rules to Map Kerberos Principals to Short Names field (extra_auth_to_local_rules property) in Core Settings service contains the following characters: \, ", \t, \n, \b, and \f, then remove these characters regular expression. Save changes and restart the affected services in Cloudera Manager, and then refresh the Database Catalog and Virtual Warehouses.

DWX-15302: Upgrade button stays visible even after the upgrade completes
After you upgrade the Database Catalog, the Upgrade button remains visible on the CDW web interface instead of disappearing or getting disabled.
Refresh the page on your browser.

Known Issues identified in 1.5.0

DWX-14022: The metastore-sys-init-job job fails with "Table not found 'TXNS'" error
You see that the default Database Catalog starts successfully and the UI indicates it as running, however, the metastore-sys-init pods are in an error state. You also see that the Hive MetaStore (HMS) pods fail with the following error: "[HiveServer2-Background-Pool: Thread-125] ERROR org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.CalcitePlanner - org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.SemanticException: Line 1:1117 Table not found 'TXNS'". This happens because the TXNS table is not present on CDP Private Cloud Base version 7.1.7 SP2.
You must upgrade the base cluster to CDP Private Cloud Base version 7.1.8 and then rebuild the affected Database Catalog.

Known Issues identified in 1.4.1

DWX-13758: Updating the pre-upgrade Database Catalog and Virtual Warehouse fails silently
If you update or refresh the Database Catalogs and Virtual Warehouses that were created before you upgraded to 1.4.1 by changing their configurations, then they may go into an erroneous state.

Do not update or refresh the Database Catalogs and Virtual Warehouses that were created before you upgraded to 1.4.1.

Create new Database Catalogs and Virtual Warehouses.

Known Issues identified before 1.4.1

DWX-8979: Parquet demo data set only loads partially on OpenShift clusters
On OpenShift clusters, the Parquet demo data set loads partially on a non-default Database Catalog, intermittently. As a result, you may intermittently and partially see the demo data set in Hue.