SSL-enabled endpoints for Virtual Warehouse clients in Cloudera Data Warehouse Private Cloud
In Cloudera Data Warehouse Private Cloud, all client endpoints have been SSL-enabled. This requires that you configure the SSL certificates for client endpoints.
- Hue
- Impala coordinator
- HiveServer2
Domain name changes
To use the OpenShift/Cloudera Embedded Container Service cluster wildcard certificate, the
DNS names have been changed. The environment ID
sub domain from the domain
name has been removed. This creates a flat DNA structure so the cluster wildcard certificate
can be applied to the endpoints.
Generating a truststore for a self-signed certificate
You can query the service certificate and convert it to a JKS truststore using the following steps:
- Retrieve the certificate:
$ openssl s_client -showcerts -connect -servername </dev/null|openssl x509 -outform PEM > <mycertfile>.pem
- Convert the PEM file to a truststore. You will be prompted for a password.
$ keytool -import -alias -file <mycertfile>.pem -keystore <mycert>.jks
Opening SSL-enabled connections with Database Catalog clients
The Cloudera Data Warehouse Virtual Warehouse clients like beeline and impala-shell can open SSL-enabled connections as described in this section.
A beeline connection can be created using a JDBC connection string. Specifying the username
and password with the '-n'
and the '-p'
options returns an
error. The beeline CLI prompts for credentials:
$ beeline
beeline> !connect
Enter username for jdbc:hive2://<my-user-name
Enter password for jdbc:hive2://<********>
The impala-shell CLI opens a TLS/SSL-enabled connection when you use the
option. If `--ca_cert`
is not set, impala-shell
enables TLS/SSL, but does not validate the server certificate. Set the `--ca_cert`
CLI option to the local path name that points to the third-party CA certificate, or to a copy
of the server certificate in the case you have a self-signed server certificate:
$ impala-shell --protocol='hs2-http' -i "" --ssl
OpenShift routes
OpenShift routes are used to expose the user-facing services in the Cloudera Data Warehouse Private Cloud deployment. Route objects can perform edge TLS termination using the cluster-deployed certificate for the endpoints. If the cluster certificate must be rotated, the routes can pick up the new certificate automatically. It is not necessary to re-deploy or to manually configure the service in order to pick up the changes.