Deprecation notices in CDW Private Cloud

Review the features and functionalities that have been or will be removed or deprecated in this release of Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) Private Cloud.

The “Keep current image version” option has been removed

Earlier, when you rebuilt the Database Catalog or Virtual Warehouse, you had the option to retain the image version by selecting the Keep current image version option or upgrade to the latest version. This option has been removed from the CDW web interface. Now when you rebuild the Database Catalog or Virtual Warehouse, they always retain the existing image version.

Delegation user has been removed

A proxy user, called the delegation user which was required for impersonating authorization requests from Hue and Data Visualization to the Impala coordinator has been deprecated. During environment activation, you no longer need to specify a delegation username and password. CDW automatically sets the older delegation user to “impala” when you upgrade, rebuild, or refresh an Impala Virtual Warehouse or the Data Visualization instance.

In the existing Data Visualization connections, you must rename the proxy user (delegation user) to "impala" user. You can rename the delegation username manually or refresh, upgrade, or rebuild the Virtual Warehouse or the Data Visualization instance after upgrading to CDP Private Cloud Data Services 1.5.4.

The ability to create custom Database Catalogs has been removed

CDW no longer supports custom Database Catalogs. The Create multiple Database Catalogs option used for allowing you to create custom Database Catalogs has been removed from the Advanced Configurations page.

After you upgrade to CDP Private Cloud Data Services 1.5.4, the existing custom Database Catalogs remain until you deactivate the environment. You can continue to upgrade, refresh, and rebuild the existing custom Database Catalogs. However, you can no longer create new custom Database Catalogs.