Creating a new Database Catalog

You repeat a step-by-step procedure to set up a new Database Catalog for each tenant. You must correctly enter your managed identity regular expression. You see how to recognize a discrepancy in your entry and your actual managed identity.

When you create a new database catalog, you specify the managed identity you created earlier. In the event of an invalid managed identity specification, the following regular expression appears in the UI.
 '\/subscriptions\/(.+?)\/resourcegroups\/(.+?)\/providers\/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity\/userAssignedIdentities\/(.+)', 'i'
An example that matches the regular expression is:
  • subscriptions: Your subscription ID
  • providers: Microsoft.ManagedIdentity (required value)
  • resourcegroups: Your resource group
  • userAssignedIdentities: Your managed identity name.
Repeat the following steps for each tenant.
  1. Click Data Warehouse > Database Catalog > Create Database Catalog.
  2. In New Database Catalog, enter the complete description of the managed identity you created earlier.
  3. Select the RAZ-enabled environment.

    In Data Lake, SDX is the required value. The backend Data Lake and Database Catalog database must be the same.

    The backend Data Lake and Database Catalog database must be the same.
  4. In Tenant Storage Role, enter the complete managed identity you obtained earlier.
    For example:
    For example:

    Cloudera Data Warehouse attempts to validate your managed identity. If successful, proceed. If validation fails, you see the error message described above. Correct the problem, and try again.

  5. In Tenant Storage Location, enter the tenant-specific container container-tenant-1, for example, and click CREATE.