You can use kubectl or k9s to back up Data Visualization (DataViz) applications in an
AWS environment.
To keep the charts and dashboards that you created, you must save and restore Data
Visualization data. If you did not make changes to the environment for Data
Visualization, skip these steps; otherwise, perform these steps on each of your Data
Visualization applications because each Data Visualization uses a separate
- Data Visualization must use the DataLake Postgres instance for storing its
Find the necessary information, such as database name, host, port, user, and
$ kubectl get secrets/pg-db-secret -o=jsonpath={.data.'\.pgpass'} -n viz-1680129861-kbtr | base64 -D
Use kubectl or k9s to access the Hue container in the targeted CDW environment
(need KUBECONFIG setup), and find the namespace for Hue and for DataViz.
$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --field-selector
$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --field-selector
If you are running multiple DataViz instances, make a note of the DataViz
namespaces and their user-provided friendly names from the CDW UI. On the
new cluster, the namespace names will change, so it’s important to know
where to load the corresponding DataViz deployment.
Select one of the Hue namespaces and shell into the container.
$ kubectl exec -it huebackend-0 -n <virtual warehouse ID> -c hue -- /bin/bash
Get the dump using the code below by providing a DataViz namespace. All DataViz
databases can be backed up from this container. If you have multiple namespaces,
make a note of the friendly DataViz name pairs.
pg_dump -U hive -h postgres-service -W -F t
<DataViz namespace>
_vizdb >
If you have multiple DataViz instances running, backup all databases in this
step. It is important to use a naming convention that will allow you to identify
which database back-up contains the contents of the corresponding DataViz
database. This is needed, as the namespace names will be different on the new
Copy the dump file to your local machine.
kubectl cp <virtual warehouse ID>/huebackend-0:/opt/hive/viz_pg_dump.tar ~/Downloads/logs/viz_pg_dump.tar -c hue