Generating a JWT token from the CDP side

You can generate a JWT token in Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) and use the token as a Standard Authorization Bearer token in your client to access a Hive or Impala Virtual Warehouse.

You can navigate to the Apache Knox UI in CDP, or click in the Hive or Impala Virtual Warehouse tile. From the Virtual Warehouse tile, skip steps 1 and 2 below, and just click JWT Auth Token Generator shown in the following screenshot.
Apache Knox in CDP appears. Follow steps 3-5 below to generate the token.

To navigate to the Knox UI instead of using the CDW UI, follow the steps below:

  1. Log into CDP, and in the Cloudera Management Console, select Environments > Data Lake.
  2. Scroll down to Services, and click Token Integration.
    Apache Knox in CDP appears.
  3. Click Token Generation.
  4. In Token Generation, choose the lifespan of the token, and click Generate Token.
  5. Copy the JWT token that you generated and use the token on your Hive or Impala client to sign into your Virtual Warehouse.
    For security reasons, after you close Token Generation, you cannot see the token again.