Setting up a Hive Virtual Warehouse

You learn how to set up a Hive Unified Analytics Virtual Warehouse. If you have extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs, you need to learn how to enable query isolation mode.

When you create a Hive Virtual Warehouse, Unified Analytics is automatically enabled. This type of Virtual Warehouse can read and write full ACID tables in the Hive metastore. ETL jobs, identified by their size, run in query isolation mode if enabled.
  1. Log in to the Cloudera Data Warehouse service as DWAdmin.
  2. Go to the Virtual Warehouses tab and click New Virtual Warehouse.
    The Create Virtual Warehouse modal is displayed.
  3. Specify a name for your Virtual Warehouse and select an environment, database catalog, Impala, and Hue image versions.
  4. Select Hive as the Virtual Warehouse Type.
  5. Select a size for the Virtual Warehouse.
  6. Select the Enable Query Isolation option.
    This action sets the internal configuration property hive.etl.execution.engine to Tez for query isolation.
  7. Set User Groups that can access endpoints, keys and values for Tagging the Virtual Warehouse.
  8. Click Create Virtual Warehouse.