ReadyFlow overview: Box to S3/ADLS

You can use the Box to S3/ADLS ReadyFlow to move data from a source Box location to a destination Amazon S3 bucket or Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) location.

This ReadyFlow consumes files from a Box folder and writes them to a CDP managed destination S3 or ADLS location. For the source, specify the Box App credentials (Account ID, config file) and the Box folder ID. You can choose whether to include subfolder files. For the destination, specify the S3 or ADLS storage location and path. The ReadyFlow polls the Box folder for new files (it performs a listing periodically). Failed S3 or ADLS write operations are retried automatically to handle transient issues. Define a KPI on the failure_WriteToS3/ADLS connection to monitor failed write operations.

Box to S3/ADLS ReadyFlow details
Source Box
Source Format Any
Destination Amazon S3 or ADLS
Destination Format Same as source