ReadyFlow: ListenSyslog filter to S3/ADLS

You can use the ListenSyslog filter to S3/ADLS ReadyFlow to listen to Syslog events on a specified port, filter them, and write them as JSON, CSV or Avro files to S3 or ADLS.

This ReadyFlow listens to a Syslog data stream on a specified port. You can filter events by specifying a SQL query in the Filter Rule parameter. The default filter criteria allows all records to pass through. The filtered events are then converted to the specified output data format and written to the target S3 or ADLS destination. The flow writes out a file every time its size has either reached 100MB or five minutes have passed. Files can reach a maximum size of 1GB. Failed S3 or ADLS write operations are retried automatically to handle transient issues. Define a KPI on the failure_WriteToS3/ADLS connection to monitor failed write operations.

The ListenSyslog processor is configured to use mutual TLS authentication.

ReadyFlow details
Source ListenSyslog Processor
Source Format Syslog
Destination CDP managed Amazon S3 or ADLS
Destination Format JSON, CSV, Avro

Moving data to object stores

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