ReadyFlow: S3 to IBM watsonx

You can use the S3 to IBM watsonx ReadyFlow to retrieve text files from a source S3 location and use IBM watsonx to summarize the text, then write the LLM response to a destination S3 location.

This ReadyFlow consumes text data from a source S3 location and invokes a large language model in IBM to summarize the input data. The response from the model is written to a destination S3 location. The default LLM is ibm/granite-13b-chat-v1, but the LLM and its attributes can be changed via the IBM watsonx Model Input parameter. An IBM Project ID and IBM Cloud API Key are required to run this flow. Define a KPI on the failure_WriteS3 connection to monitor failed write operations.

S3 to IBM watsonx ReadyFlow details
Source CDP managed Amazon S3
Source Format Text
Destination watsonx + CDP managed Amazon S3
Destination Format Text