Build and Release Numbering
If you are installing CDH 5 with a package manager, you will also see build and release information as part of the file name. The build and package release fields follow the patch level: for example, hbase-0.92.0+8-1.cdh4.0.0b2.p0.14.el6.noarch.rpm. The suffix -1.cdh4.0.0b2.p0.14.el6.noarch represents:
- the base of the release field (1)
- the CDH release (cdh4.0.0b2)
- the customer patch identifier (p0 — which will be 0 for all regular CDH releases but will increment for customer patches)
- the build number (14)
- the distribution (el6 = RHEL/CentOs 6, el5 = RHEL/Centos 5, sles11 = SLES 11
- the processor architecture (noarch, x86_64, i386, amd_64). noarch means the packages are not architecture-specific.
For CDH3, only the release field (usually 1) and processor architecture appear in the file name.
Page generated September 3, 2015.
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