Stopping Services
Run the following command on every host in the cluster to shut down all Hadoop Common system services that are started by init in the cluster:
$ for x in `cd /etc/init.d ; ls hadoop-*` ; do sudo service $x stop ; done
To verify that no Hadoop processes are running, issue the following command on each host::
# ps -aef | grep java
You could also use ps -fu hdfs and ps -fu mapred to confirm that no processes are running as the hdfs or mapred user, but additional user names are created by the other components in the ecosystem; checking for the "java" string in the ps output is an easy way to identify any processes that may still be running.
To stop system services individually, use the instructions in the table below.
STOP system services in this order:
Order |
Service |
Comments |
Instructions |
1 |
Hue |
Run the following on the Hue Server machine to stop Hue sudo service hue stop |
2 |
Sqoop 1 |
Run the following on all nodes where it is running: sudo service sqoop-metastore stop |
2 |
Sqoop 2 |
Run the following on all nodes where it is running: $ sudo /sbin/service sqoop2-server stop |
3 |
Flume 0.9 |
Stop the Flume Node processes on each node where they are running: sudo service flume-node stop Stop the Flume Master sudo service flume-master stop |
4 |
Flume 1.x |
There is no Flume master |
Stop the Flume Node processes on each node where they are running: sudo service flume-ng-agent stop |
5 |
Oozie |
sudo service oozie stop |
6 |
Hive |
To stop Hive, exit the Hive console and make sure no Hive scripts are running. Shut down HiveServer2: sudo service hiveserver2 stop Shut down the Hive metastore daemon on each client: sudo service hive-metastore stop If the metastore is running from the command line, use Ctrl-c to shut it down. |
7 |
HBase |
Stop the Thrift server and clients, then shut down the cluster. |
To stop the Thrift server and clients: sudo service hbase-thrift stop To shut down the cluster, use this command on the master node: sudo service hbase-master stop Use the following command on each node hosting a region server: sudo service hadoop-hbase-regionserver stop |
8a |
MapReduce v1 |
Stop Hive and Oozie before stopping MapReduce. |
To stop MapReduce, stop the JobTracker service, and stop the Task Tracker on all nodes where it is running. Use the following commands: sudo service hadoop-0.20-mapreduce-jobtracker stop sudo service hadoop-0.20-mapreduce-tasktracker stop |
8b |
Stop Hive and Oozie before stopping YARN. |
To stop YARN, stop the MapReduce JobHistory service, ResourceManager service, and NodeManager on all nodes where they are running. Use the following commands: sudo service hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver stop sudo service hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager stop sudo service hadoop-yarn-nodemanager stop |
9 |
HttpFS |
sudo service hadoop-httpfs stop |
10 |
To stop HDFS: On the NameNode: sudo service hadoop-hdfs-namenode stop On the Secondary NameNode (if used): sudo service hadoop-hdfs-secondarynamenode stop On each DataNode: sudo service hadoop-hdfs-datanode stop |
11 |
ZooKeeper |
Stop HBase and HDFS before stopping ZooKeeper. |
To stop the ZooKeeper server, use one of the following commands on each ZooKeeper node: sudo service zookeeper-server stop or sudo service zookeeper stop |
<< Configuring init to Start Core Hadoop System Services | Uninstalling CDH Components >> | |