What's New in CDH 5.0.1
This is a maintenance release that fixes the following issues:
- HADOOP-10442 - Group look-up can cause segmentation fault when a certain JNI-based mapping module is used.
- HADOOP-10456 - Bug in Configuration.java exposed by Spark (ConcurrentModificationException)
- HDFS-5064 - Standby checkpoints should not block concurrent readers
- HDFS-6039 - Uploading a File under a Dir with default ACLs throws "Duplicated ACLFeature"
- HDFS-6094 - The same block can be counted twice towards safe mode threshold
- HDFS-6231 - DFSClient hangs infinitely if using hedged reads and all eligible DataNodes die
- HIVE-6495 - TableDesc.getDeserializer() should use correct classloader when calling Class.forName()
- HIVE-6575 - select * fails on parquet table with map data type
- HIVE-6648 - Fixed permission inheritance for multi-partitioned tables
- HIVE-6740 - Fixed addition of Avro JARs to classpath
- HUE-2061 - Task logs are not retrieved if containers not on the same host
- OOZIE-1794 - java-opts and java-opt in the Java action don't always work properly in YARN
- SOLR-5608 - Frequently reproducible failures in CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest#testDistribSearch
- YARN-1924 - STATE_STORE_OP_FAILED happens when ZKRMStateStore tries to update app(attempt) before storing it
Enabling SSL in CDH 5: Enabling HTTPS communication in CDH 5 requires extra configuration properties to be added to YARN (yarn-site.xml and mapred-site.xml) and HDFS (hdfs-site.xml), in addition to the existing configuration settings described here.
Page generated September 3, 2015.
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