Apache Sentry (incubating) Known Issues
INSERT OVERWRITE LOCAL fails if you use only the Linux pathname
Bug: None
Severity: Low
Workaround: Prefix the path of the local file with file:// when using INSERT OVERWRITE LOCAL.
INSERT OVERWRITE and CREATE EXTERNAL commands fail because of HDFS URI permissions
When you use Sentry to secure Hive, and use HDFS URIs in a HiveQL statement, the query will fail with an HDFS permissions error unless you specify the NameNode and port.
Bug: None
Severity: Low
Workaround: Specify the NameNode and port, where applicable, in the URI; for example specify hdfs://nn-uri:port/user/warehouse/hive/tab rather than simply /user/warehouse/hive/tab. In a high-availability deployment, specify the value of FS.defaultFS.
Page generated September 3, 2015.
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