CDH Packaging and Tarball Information

To see the details of all the changes and bug-fixes for a given component in a given release, make sure you read the Changes file as well as the Release Notes, following the links in the tables below.
CDH 5.0.6 Packaging and Tarballs

Component |
Package Version |
Tarball |
Release Notes |
Changes File |
Apache Avro |
avro-1.7.5+cdh5.0.6+27 |
Apache Crunch |
crunch-0.9.0+cdh5.0.6+32 |
DataFu |
pig-udf-datafu-1.1.0+cdh5.0.6+29 |
Apache Flume |
flume-ng-1.4.0+cdh5.0.6+133 |
Apache Hadoop |
hadoop-2.3.0+cdh5.0.6+636 |
Apache HBase |
hbase- |
HBase-Solr |
hbase-solr-1.3+cdh5.0.6+52 |
Apache Hive |
hive-0.12.0+cdh5.0.6+333 |
Hue |
hue-3.5.0+cdh5.0.6+391 |
Cloudera Impala |
impala-1.3+cdh5.0.6+0 |
(none) |
Kite SDK |
kite-0.10.0+cdh5.0.6+93 |
Llama |
llama-1.0.0+cdh5.0.6+0 |
Apache Mahout |
mahout-0.8+cdh5.0.6+38 |
Apache Oozie |
oozie-4.0.0+cdh5.0.6+195 |
Parquet |
parquet-1.2.5+cdh5.0.6+129 |
Parquet-format |
parquet-format-1.0.0+cdh5.0.6+14 |
Apache Pig |
pig-0.12.0+cdh5.0.6+41 |
Cloudera Search |
search-1.0.0+cdh5.0.6+0 |
Apache Sentry (incubating) |
sentry-1.2.0+cdh5.0.6+82 |
Apache Solr |
solr-4.4.0+cdh5.0.6+204 |
Apache Spark |
spark-0.9.0+cdh5.0.6+44 |
Apache Sqoop |
sqoop-1.4.4+cdh5.0.6+55 |
Apache Sqoop2 |
sqoop2-1.99.3+cdh5.0.6+37 |
Apache Whirr |
whirr-0.9.0+cdh5.0.6+18 |
Apache ZooKeeper |
zookeeper-3.4.5+cdh5.0.6+40 |
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