Apache Oozie Incompatible Changes
The following incompatible changes occurred between CDH 4 and CDH 5:
- OOZIE-1680 - By default, at submission time, Oozie will now reject any coordinators whose frequency is faster than 5 minutes. This check can be disabled by setting the oozie.service.coord.check.maximum.frequency property to false in oozie-site.xml; however, Cloudera does not recommended you disable this check or submit coordinators with frequencies greater than 5 minutes. Doing so can lead to unintended behavior and additional system stress.
- The procedure to install the Oozie Sharelib has changed. See Configuring Oozie for instructions.
- The Oozie Sharelib should be updated to the one provided with the latest CDH 5 package. See Configuring Oozie.
- The Oozie database schema has changed and must be upgraded. See Configuring Oozie for more details. To configure Oozie using Cloudera Manager see The Oozie Service.
- An Oozie client from CDH 4 will not work with an Oozie server from CDH 5 when obtaining coordinator job information. Make sure you update all the Oozie clients (OOZIE-1482).
- In CDH 4, subworkflows inherit all JAR files from their parent workflow by default. In CDH 5, this has changed so that subworkflows do not inherit JAR files by default, because the latter is actually the correct behavior. Cloudera recommends that you rework workflows and subworkflows to remove any reliance on inheriting JAR files from a parent workflow. However, setting oozie.wf.subworkflow.classpath.inheritance in job.properties or oozie.subworkflow.classpath.inheritance to true in oozie-site.xml will restore the old behavior. For more details, see the Sub-workflow Action documentation
Page generated September 3, 2015.
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