Appendix C - Impala Reserved Words
The following are the reserved words for the current release of Cloudera Impala. A reserved word is one that cannot be used directly as an identifier; you must quote it with backticks. For example, a statement CREATE TABLE select (x INT) fails, while CREATE TABLE `select` (x INT) succeeds. Impala reserves the names of aggregate functions, but not regular built-in functions.
Because different database systems have different sets of reserved words, and the reserved words change from release to release, carefully consider database, table, and column names to ensure maximum compatibility between products and versions.
add aggregate all alter and as asc avro between bigint boolean by case cast change char close_fn column columns comment compute count create cross data database databases date datetime decimal delimited desc describe distinct div double drop else end escaped exists explain external false fields fileformat finalize_fn first float format formatted from full function functions group group_concat having if in init_fn inner inpath insert int integer intermediate interval into invalidate is join last left like limit lines load location merge_fn metadata ndv not null nulls offset on or order outer overwrite parquet parquetfile partition partitioned prepare_fn rcfile real refresh regexp rename replace returns right rlike row schema schemas select semi sequencefile serdeproperties serialize_fn set show smallint stats stored straight_join string sum symbol table tables tblproperties terminated textfile then timestamp tinyint to true union update_fn use using values view when where with
Page generated September 3, 2015.
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