This is the documentation for CDH 5.1.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.

Installing the Flume Tarball

The Flume tarball is a self-contained package containing everything needed to use Flume on a Unix-like system. To install Flume from the tarball, you unpack it in the appropriate directory.


The tarball does not come with any scripts suitable for running Flume as a service or daemon. This makes the tarball distribution appropriate for ad hoc installations and preliminary testing, but a more complete installation is provided by the binary RPM and Debian packages.

To install the Flume tarball on Linux-based systems:

  1. Run the following commands, replacing the (component_version) with the current version numbers for Flume and CDH.
    $ cd /usr/local/lib
    $ sudo tar -zxvf <path_to_flume-ng-(Flume_version)-cdh(CDH_version).tar.gz>
    $ sudo mv flume-ng-(Flume_version)-cdh(CDH_version) flume-ng

    For example,

    $ cd /usr/local/lib
    $ sudo tar -zxvf <path_to_flume-ng-1.4.0-cdh5.0.0.tar.gz>
    $ sudo mv flume-ng-1.4.0-cdh5.0.0 flume-ng
  2. To complete the configuration of a tarball installation, you must set your PATH variable to include the bin/ subdirectory of the directory where you installed Flume. For example:
    $ export PATH=/usr/local/lib/flume-ng/bin:$PATH
Page generated September 3, 2015.