This is the documentation for CDH 5.1.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.

Running Spark Applications

Spark applications are similar to MapReduce “jobs.” Each application is a self-contained computation which runs some user-supplied code to compute a result. As with MapReduce jobs, Spark applications can make use of the resources of multiple nodes.

Each application has a driver process which coordinates its execution. This process can run in the foreground (client mode) or in the background (cluster mode). Client mode is a little simpler, but cluster mode allows you to easily log out after starting a Spark application without terminating the application.

Spark starts executors to perform computations. There may be many executors, distributed across the cluster, depending on the size of the job.

Spark can run in two modes:
  • Standalone mode:

    In standalone mode, Spark uses a Master daemon which coordinates the efforts of the Workers, which run the executors. Standalone mode is the default, but it cannot be used on secure clusters.

  • YARN mode:

    In YARN mode, the YARN ResourceManager performs the functions of the Spark Master. The functions of the Workers are performed by the YARN NodeManager daemons, which run the executors. YARN mode is slightly more complex to set up, but it supports security, and provides better integration with YARN’s cluster-wide resource management policies.

  Important: If you are using Cloudera Manager, the Spark assembly JAR is uploaded to HDFS automatically, as /user/spark/share/lib/spark-assembly.jar.

On Kerberized clusters, the upload jar command will fail silently because Spark does not have Kerberos support. To run Spark on YARN on a kerberized cluster, manually upload the Spark assembly jar to HDFS /user/spark/share/lib. The Spark assembly jar is located on the local filesystem, typically in /usr/lib/spark/assembly/lib or /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/spark/assembly/lib.

Multiple Spark applications can run at once. If you decide to run Spark on YARN, you can decide on an application-by-application basis whether to run in YARN client mode or cluster mode. When you run Spark in client mode, the driver process runs locally; in cluster mode, it runs remotely on an ApplicationMaster.

The following sections use a sample application, SparkPi, which is packaged with Spark and computes the value of Pi, to illustrate the three modes.


The easiest way to configure Spark is by setting $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf.

This file contains lines in the form: “key value”. You can create a comment by putting a hash mark ( # ) at the beginning of a line.
  Note: You cannot add comments to the end or middle of a line.
Here is an example of a spark-defaults.conf file:
spark.master     spark://
spark.eventLog.enabled    true
spark.eventLog.dir        hdfs:///user/spark/eventlog
# Set spark executor memory
spark.executor.memory     2g
spark.logConf             true
It is a good idea to put configuration keys that you want to use for every application into spark-defaults.conf. See Script for more information about configuration keys.

The Spark-Submit Script

You can start Spark applications with the spark-submit script, which is installed in your path when you install the spark-core package.
  Note: Spark cannot handle command line options of the form --key=value; use --key value instead. (That is, use a space instead of an equals sign.)

To run spark-submit, you need a compiled Spark application JAR. The following sections use a sample JAR, SparkPi, which is packaged with Spark. It computes an approximation to the value of Pi.

Running SparkPi in Standalone Mode

Supply the --master and --deploy-mode client arguments to run SparkPi in standalone mode:
spark-submit \
--class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
--deploy-mode client \
$SPARK_HOME/examples/*/scala-*/spark-examples-*.jar 10

Arguments that come after the JAR name are supplied to the application. In this case, the argument controls how good we want our approximation to Pi to be.

Running SparkPi in YARN Client Mode

In this case, the command to run SparkPi is as follows:
spark-submit  \
--class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
--deploy-mode client \
--master yarn \
$SPARK_HOME/examples/*/scala-*/spark-examples-*.jar 10

Running SparkPi in YARN Cluster Mode

In this case, the command to run SparkPi is a as follows:
spark-submit  \
--class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
--deploy-mode cluster \
--master yarn \
$SPARK_HOME/examples/*/scala-*/spark-examples-*.jar 10
The command will continue to print out status until the job finishes, or you press control-C. Terminating the spark-submit process in cluster mode does not terminate the Spark application as it does in client mode. To monitor the status of the running application, run yarn application -list.

Optimizing YARN Mode

  Important: If you are using Cloudera Manager, the Spark assembly JAR is uploaded to HDFS automatically, as /user/spark/share/lib/spark-assembly.jar.

On Kerberized clusters, the upload jar command will fail silently because Spark does not have Kerberos support. To run Spark on YARN on a kerberized cluster, manually upload the Spark assembly jar to HDFS /user/spark/share/lib. The Spark assembly jar is located on the local filesystem, typically in /usr/lib/spark/assembly/lib or /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/spark/assembly/lib.

Normally, Spark copies the Spark assembly JAR file to HDFS each time you run spark-submit, as you can see in the following log messages:
14/06/11 14:21:49 INFO yarn.Client: Uploading
file:/home/cmccabe/spark/b2.4/examples/target/scala-2.10/spark-examples-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-hadoop2.4.0.jar to
14/06/11 14:21:50 INFO yarn.Client: Uploading
file:/home/cmccabe/spark/b2.4/assembly/target/scala-2.10/spark-assembly-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-hadoop2.4.0.jar to
You can avoid doing this copy each time by manually uploading the Spark assembly JAR file to your HDFS. Then set the SPARK_JAR environment variable to this HDFS path:
hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/spark/share/lib
hdfs dfs -put $SPARK_HOME/assembly/lib/spark-assembly_*.jar  \

Building Spark Applications

Best practices when compiling your Spark applications include:
  • Building a single assembly JAR that includes all the dependencies, except those for Spark and Hadoop.
  • Excluding any Spark and Hadoop classes from the assembly JAR, because they are already on the cluster, and part of the runtime classpath. In Maven, you can mark the Spark and Hadoop dependencies as provided.
  • Always building against the same version of Spark that you are running against, to avoid compatibility issues.

    For example, do not assume that applications compiled against Spark 0.9 will run on Spark 1.0 without recompiling. In addition, some applications compiled under Spark 0.9 or earlier will need changes to their source code to compile under Spark 1.0. Applications that compile under Spark 1.0 should compile under all future versions.

Page generated September 3, 2015.