This is the documentation for CDH 5.1.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.

Configuring init to Start Core Hadoop System Services

init(8) starts some daemons when the system is booted. Depending on the distribution, init executes scripts from either the /etc/init.d directory or the /etc/rc2.d directory. The CDH packages link the files in init.d and rc2.d so that modifying one set of files automatically updates the other.

To start system services at boot time and on restarts, enable their init scripts on the systems on which the services will run, using the appropriate tool:

  • chkconfig is included in the Red Hat and CentOS distributions. Debian and Ubuntu users can install the chkconfig package.
  • update-rc.d is included in the Debian and Ubuntu distributions.

Configuring init to Start Core Hadoop System Services in an MRv1 Cluster


Cloudera does not support running MRv1 and YARN daemons on the same nodes at the same time; it will degrade performance and may result in an unstable cluster deployment.

The chkconfig commands to use are:

$ sudo chkconfig hadoop-hdfs-namenode on

The update-rc.d commands to use on Ubuntu and Debian systems are:



On the NameNode

$ sudo update-rc.d hadoop-hdfs-namenode defaults

On the JobTracker

$ sudo update-rc.d hadoop-0.20-mapreduce-jobtracker defaults

On the Secondary NameNode (if used)

$ sudo update-rc.d hadoop-hdfs-secondarynamenode defaults

On each TaskTracker

$ sudo update-rc.d hadoop-0.20-mapreduce-tasktracker defaults

On each DataNode

$ sudo update-rc.d hadoop-hdfs-datanode defaults

Configuring init to Start Core Hadoop System Services in a YARN Cluster


Do not run MRv1 and YARN on the same set of nodes at the same time. This is not recommended; it degrades your performance and may result in an unstable MapReduce cluster deployment.

The chkconfig commands to use are:



On the NameNode

$ sudo chkconfig hadoop-hdfs-namenode on

On the ResourceManager

$ sudo chkconfig hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager on

On the Secondary NameNode (if used)

$ sudo chkconfig hadoop-hdfs-secondarynamenode on

On each NodeManager

$ sudo chkconfig hadoop-yarn-nodemanager on

On each DataNode

$ sudo chkconfig hadoop-hdfs-datanode on

On the MapReduce JobHistory node

$ sudo chkconfig hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver on

The update-rc.d commands to use on Ubuntu and Debian systems are:



On the NameNode

$ sudo update-rc.d hadoop-hdfs-namenode defaults

On the ResourceManager

$ sudo update-rc.d hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager defaults

On the Secondary NameNode (if used)

$ sudo update-rc.d hadoop-hdfs-secondarynamenode defaults

On each NodeManager

$ sudo update-rc.d hadoop-yarn-nodemanager defaults

On each DataNode

$ sudo update-rc.d hadoop-hdfs-datanode defaults

On the MapReduce JobHistory node

$ sudo update-rc.d hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver defaults

Configuring init to Start Non-core Hadoop System Services

Non-core Hadoop daemons can also be configured to start at init time using the chkconfig or update-rc.d command.

The chkconfig commands are:





Hue server

$ sudo chkconfig hue on


Oozie server

$ sudo chkconfig oozie on


HBase master

$ sudo chkconfig hbase-master on


On each HBase slave

$ sudo chkconfig hbase-regionserver on

Hive metastore HiveServer2

Hive server

$ sudo chkconfig hive-metastore  on
$ sudo chkconfig hive-server2 on


Zookeeper server

$ sudo chkconfig zookeeper-server on


HttpFS server

$ sudo chkconfig hadoop-httpfs on

The update-rc.d commands to use on Ubuntu and Debian systems are:





Hue server

$ sudo update-rc.d hue defaults


Oozie server

$ sudo update-rc.d oozie defaults


HBase master

$ sudo update-rc.d hbase-master defaults


HBase slave

$ sudo update-rc.d hbase-regionserver defaults

Hive metastore HiveServer2

On each Hive client

$ sudo update-rc.d hive-metastore  defaults
$ sudo update-rc.d hive-server2 defaults


Zookeeper server

$ sudo update-rc.d zookeeper-server defaults


HttpFS server

$ sudo update-rc.d hadoop-httpfs defaults
Page generated September 3, 2015.