This is the documentation for CDH 5.1.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.

Configuring Hue to Support Hadoop Security using Kerberos

You can configure Hue in CDH 5 to support Hadoop security on a cluster using Kerberos.

To configure the Hue server to support Hadoop security using Kerberos:

  1. Create a Hue user principal in the same realm as the Hadoop cluster of the form:
    kadmin: addprinc -randkey hue/
    where: hue is the principal the Hue server is running as, is the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of your Hue server, YOUR-REALM.COM is the name of the Kerberos realm your Hadoop cluster is in
  2. Create a keytab file for the Hue principal using the same procedure that you used to create the keytab for the hdfs or mapred principal for a specific host. You should name this file hue.keytab and put this keytab file in the directory /etc/hue on the machine running the Hue server. Like all keytab files, this file should have the most limited set of permissions possible. It should be owned by the user running the hue server (usually hue) and should have the permission 400.
  3. To test that the keytab file was created properly, try to obtain Kerberos credentials as the Hue principal using only the keytab file. Substitute your FQDN and realm in the following command:
    $ kinit -k -t /etc/hue/hue.keytab hue/
  4. In the /etc/hue/hue.ini configuration file, add the following lines in the sections shown. Replace the kinit_path value, /usr/kerberos/bin/kinit, shown below with the correct path on the user's system.
     # Path to Hue's Kerberos keytab file
     # Kerberos principal name for Hue
     # add kinit path for non root users
     # If Kerberos security is enabled, use fully-qualified domain name (FQDN)
       ## hive_server_host=<FQDN of Hive Server>
     # Hive configuration directory, where hive-site.xml is located
       ## hive_conf_dir=/etc/hive/conf
       ## server_host=localhost
       ## impala_principal=impala/
     # URL of the Solr Server
       ## solr_url=http://localhost:8983/solr/
     # Requires FQDN in solr_url if enabled
       ## security_enabled=false
     # Enter the host and port on which you are running the Hadoop NameNode
     # Thrift plugin port for the name node
       ## thrift_port=10090
     # Configuration for YARN (MR2)
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     # Enter the host on which you are running the ResourceManager
       ## resourcemanager_host=localhost
     # Change this if your YARN cluster is Kerberos-secured
       ## security_enabled=false
     # Thrift plug-in port for the JobTracker
       ## thrift_port=9290
     # The URL where the Oozie service runs on. This is required in order for users to submit jobs.
       ## oozie_url=http://localhost:11000/oozie
     # Requires FQDN in oozie_url if enabled
       ## security_enabled=false

    In the /etc/hue/hue.ini file, verify the following:

    — Make sure the jobtracker_host property is set to the fully-qualified domain name of the host running the JobTracker. The JobTracker host name must be fully-qualified in a secured environment.

    — Make sure the fs.defaultfs property under each [[hdfs_clusters]] section contains the fully-qualified domain name of the file system access point, which is typically the NameNode.

    — Make sure the hive_conf_dir property under the [beeswax] section points to a directory containing a valid hive-site.xml (either the original or a synced copy).

    — Make sure the FQDN specified for HiveServer2 is the same as the FQDN specified for the hue_principal configuration property. Without this, HiveServer2 will not work with security enabled.

  5. In the /etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml configuration file on all of your cluster nodes, add the following lines:
    <!-- Hue security configuration -->
      <value>*</value> <!-- A group which all users of Hue belong to, or the wildcard value "*" -->

    Make sure you change the /etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml configuration file on all of your cluster nodes.

  6. If Hue is configured to communicate to Hadoop via HttpFS, then you must add the following properties to httpfs-site.xml:
  7. Add the following properties to the Oozie server oozie-site.xml configuration file in the Oozie configuration directory:
  8. Restart the JobTracker to load the changes from the core-site.xml file.
    $ sudo service hadoop-0.20-mapreduce-jobtracker restart
  9. Restart Oozie to load the changes from the oozie-site.xml file.
    $ sudo service oozie restart
  10. Restart the NameNode, JobTracker, and all DataNodes to load the changes from the core-site.xml file.
    $ sudo service hadoop-0.20-(namenode|jobtracker|datanode) restart
Page generated September 3, 2015.