This is the documentation for CDH 5.1.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.

Installing Cloudera Search without Cloudera Manager

  • Cloudera Search for CDH 5 is included with CDH 5. Therefore, to install Cloudera Search for CDH 5 using packages, see CDH 5 Installation.
  Note: This page describe how to install CDH using packages as well as how to install CDH using Cloudera Manager.

You can also elect to install Cloudera Search manually. For example, you might choose to install Cloudera Search manually if you have an existing installation to which you want to add Search.

To use CDH 5, which includes Cloudera Search:

Cloudera Search provides the following packages:

Package Name





Platform specific service script for starting, stopping, or restart Solr.


Cloudera Search documentation.


Tools to index documents using MapReduce.


Examples, Contrib, and Utility code and data.

Before You Begin Installing Cloudera Search Without Cloudera Manager

The installation instructions assume that the sudo command is configured on the hosts where you are installing Cloudera Search. If sudo is not configured, use the root user (superuser) to configure Cloudera Search.

  Important: Running services: When starting, stopping, and restarting CDH components, always use the service (8) command rather than running /etc/init.d scripts directly. This is important because service sets the current working directory to the root directory (/) and removes environment variables except LANG and TERM. This creates a predictable environment in which to administer the service. If you use /etc/init.d scripts directly, any environment variables continue to be applied, potentially producing unexpected results. If you install CDH from packages, service is installed as part of the Linux Standard Base (LSB).

Install Cloudera's repository: before using the instructions in this guide to install or upgrade Cloudera Search from packages, install Cloudera's yum, zypper/YaST or apt repository, and install or upgrade CDH and make sure it is functioning correctly.

Installing Solr Packages

This topic describes how to complete a new installation of Solr packages. To upgrade an existing installation, see Upgrading Cloudera Search.

To install Cloudera Search on RHEL systems:
sudo yum install solr-server
To install Cloudera Search on Ubuntu and Debian systems:
$ sudo apt-get install solr-server
To install Cloudera Search on SLES systems:
$ sudo zypper install solr-server
  Note: See also Deploying Cloudera Search.
To list the installed files on RHEL and SLES systems:
$ rpm -ql solr-server solr
To list the installed files on Ubuntu and Debian systems:
$ dpkg -L solr-server solr

You can see that the Cloudera Search packages are configured according to the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard.

Next, enable the server daemons you want to use with Hadoop. You can also enable Java-based client access by adding the JAR files in /usr/lib/solr/ and /usr/lib/solr/lib/ to your Java class path.

Page generated September 3, 2015.