This is the documentation for Cloudera Manager 5.0.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.

Configuring an NFS Gateway Role

The NFS Gateway role implements an NFSv3 gateway. It is an optional role for a CDH 5 HDFS service.

The NFSv3 gateway allows a client to mount HDFS as part of the client's local file system. The gateway machine can be any host in the cluster, including the NameNode, a DataNode, or any HDFS client. The client can be any NFSv3-client-compatible machine.

After mounting HDFS to his or her local filesystem, a user can:
  • Browse the HDFS file system through the local file system
  • Upload and download files from the HDFS file system to and from the local file system.
  • Stream data directly to HDFS through the mount point.
File append is supported, but random write is not.

Requirements and Limitations

  • The NFS gateway works only on RHEL and similar systems. See Known Issues and Workarounds in Cloudera Manager 5.
  • If any NFS server is already running on the NFS Gateway host, it must be stopped before the NFS Gateway role is started.
  • There are two configuration options related to NFS Gateway role: Temporary Dump Directory and Allowed Hosts and Privileges. The Temporary Dump Directory is automatically created by the NFS Gateway role and should be configured before starting the role.
  • The Access Time Precision property in the HDFS service must be enabled.

Creating and Configuring the NFS Gateway Role

  1. Go to the HDFS service.
  2. Click the Instances tab.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Click the text box below the NFS Gateway field. The Select Hosts dialog displays.
  5. Select the host on which to run the role and click OK.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Click the nfsgateway (hostname) role.
  8. Select Configuration > View and Edit.
  9. Ensure that the requirements on the directory set in the Temporary Dump Directory property are met.
  10. Optionally edit Allowed Hosts and Privileges.
  11. Click the Instances tab.
  12. Check the checkbox next to the nfsgateway (hostname) role and select Actions for Selected > Start.
Page generated September 3, 2015.