Using User-Defined Functions (UDFs) with HiveServer2

To use custom user-defined functions (UDFs) with Hive, do the following:
- Copy the UDF JAR files to the host on which HiveServer2 is running. Save the JARs to any directory you choose, and make a note of the path.
- In the Cloudera Manager Admin Console, go to the Hive service.
- Select .
- Expand the categories
- Configure the Hive Auxiliary Jars Directory property with the path from the first step.
- Click Save Changes. The JARs are added to HIVE_AUX_JARS_PATH environment variable.
- Redeploy the Hive client configuration.
- In the Cloudera Manager Admin Console, go to the Hive service.
- From the Actions menu at the top right of the service page, select Deploy Client Configuration.
- Click Deploy Client Configuration.
- Restart the Hive service. If the Hive Auxiliary Jars Directory property is configured but the directory does not exist, HiveServer2 will not start.
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