This is the documentation for Cloudera Manager 5.1.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.


Dashboard Types

The default dashboard is a predefined set of charts that you cannot change. In a default dashboard you can:
Custom dashboards contain charts that you can change. For charts in a custom dashboard you can:

When you first display a page containing charts it has a custom dashboard containing the same charts as the default dashboard.

Configuring Dashboards

You can change the time scale of a dashboard, switch between the default and custom dashboards, and reset the custom dashboard.

Setting the Time Scale of a Dashboard

By default the time scale of a dashboard is 30 minutes. To change the time scale, click a duration link at the top-right of the dashboard.

Setting the Dashboard Type

To set the dashboard type, click and select one of the following:
  • Custom - displays the custom dashboard.
  • Default - displays the default dashboard.
  • Reset - resets the custom dashboard to the predefined set of charts, discarding any customizations.

Saving Charts to Dashboards

Required Role:

You can save the charts and their configurations (type, dimension, and y-axis minimum and maximum) as a new dashboard or to an existing dashboard.

If your tsquery statement resulted in multiple charts, those charts are saved as a unit (either to a new or existing dashboard). You cannot edit the individual plots in that set of charts, but you can edit the set as a whole. A single edit button appears for the set that you saved — typically on the last chart in the set.

You can edit a copy of the individual charts in the set, but the edited copy does not change the original chart in the dashboard from which it was copied.

Saving Charts as a New Dashboard

  1. Optionally modify the chart properties.
  2. If the chart was created with the Chart Builder, optionally type a name for the chart in the Title field.
  3. Click the Save as Dashboard... button.
    1. Enter a dashboard name.
    2. Click OK The new dashboard appears on the menu under the top-level Charts tab.

Saving a Chart to an Existing Dashboard

  1. Optionally modify the chart properties.
  2. If the chart was created with the Chart Builder, optionally type a name for the chart in the Title field.
  3. Click the down arrow at the right of the Save as Dashboard... button to pull down a menu of existing dashboards.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Select a dashboard name from the menu.
    • Click More... to display a longer list of dashboards.
      1. Select a dashboard name in the Name drop-down.
      2. Click OK.
    The chart is added (appended) to the dashboard you select.

Adding a New Chart to the Home Page Custom Dashboard

From the Custom dashboard of the Home page, you can add new charts to the dashboard.
  1. Click and select Add From Chart Builder - displays the Add Chart To Dashboard page, with variables preset for the specific cluster where you want to add the dashboard.
    1. Select a metric from the List of Metrics, type a metric name or description into the Basic text field, or type a query into the Advanced field.
    2. Click Build Chart. The charts that result from your query are displayed, and you can modify their chart type, combine them using facets, change their size and so on.
  2. Click Add.

Adding a New Chart to the Custom Dashboard

From the Custom dashboard under the Status tab of a service, host, or role, you can add new charts to the dashboard.

  1. Click and select one of the following:
    • Add From Charts Library - displays the charts page.
      1. Select one or more charts.
    • Add From Chart Builder - displays the Add Chart To Dashboard page, with variables preset for the specific service, role, or host where you want to add the dashboard.
      1. Select a metric from the List of Metrics, type a metric name or description into the Basic text field, or type a query into the Advanced field.
      2. Click Build Chart. The charts that result from your query are displayed, and you can modify their chart type, combine them using facets, change their size and so on.
  2. Click Add.
  Note: If the query you've chosen has resulted in multiple charts, all the charts are added to the dashboard as a set. Although the individual charts in this set can be copied, you can only edit the set as a whole.

Removing a Chart from the Custom Dashboard

Required Role:

  1. Move the cursor over the chart, and click the blue down arrow icon at the top right.
  2. Click Remove.

Managing Dashboards

To manage dashboards, select Charts > Manage Dashboards. You can export, import, and remove dashboards.
  • Export - exports the specifications for the dashboard as a JSON file.
  • Import - reads an exported JSON file and recreates the dashboard.
  • Remove - deletes the dashboard.
Page generated September 3, 2015.