Cloudera AI Private Cloud 1.5.4 CHF3

Review the features, fixes, and known issues in the Cloudera AI 1.5.4 Cumulative hotfix 3 release.

Fixed issues in 1.5.4 CHF3

Review the fixed issues in the Cloudera AI 1.5.4 Cumulative hotfix 3 release.

DSE-37611: Cloudera AI v2 API deployed application did not inherit user level environment variables and site level environment variables

Applications created using APIv2 did not inherit user level environment variables and site level environment variables. This issue has been solved, and now an application created using APIv2 does not only inherit project level environment variables but also user level environment variables and site level environment variables. This ensures that the behaviour of APIv2 is in synchronisation with APIv1.

DSE-38499: Spark client configurations are not mounted to Spark executor pods

hadoop/conf/ files were mounted only on Spark engines but not to the Spark executors, resulting in a Kerberos issue in Spark applications using third-party file systems like PowerScale (Isilon). This issue has been fixed by including the hadoop_conf_dir in the Spark executor template YAML.

DSE-38627: Modifications for a job's resource profile could not be saved

The issue has been fixed and now the resource profile dropdown allows alternate selections and also the Job Settings page persists resource profile selection after saving.