What's New in ML Runtimes version 2024.10.1

Review the major features and updates for ML Runtimes.

New Feautre

Cloudera Copilot is generally available (GA): Cloudera Copilot is a highly configurable AI coding assistant integrated with the JupyterLab editor. The Copilot improves developer productivity by debugging code, answering questions and generating notebooks.

Cloudera Copilot is available in the Runtimes with JupyterLab Editor.

For more information, see Using Cloudera Copilot.

New Runtimes

  • Python 3.12 PBJ Workbench
  • Python 3.12 PBJ NVIDIA GPU Workbench
  • Python 3.12 JupyterLab
  • Python 3.12 JupyterLab NVIDIA GPU

Behavioral Changes

  • JupyterLab Real-Time Collaboration (RTC) plug-in is not installed by default.
  • On Workbench and Jupyterlab Runtimes, the await_workers function in the CDSW R and Python libraries will not time out when timeout_seconds is set to 0. Instead, the command will block until the workers are ready. Earlier, if the timeout_seconds set to 0 the function call timed out immediately. The new implementation matches the documented behaviour of this function.