Suspend and resume Cloudera AI Workbenches

Cloud consumption costs are a pain point for many public cloud users. The Cloudera AI Suspend feature allows users to scale down the Kubernetes pods running on Cloudera AI infra and CPU/GPU nodes for a given Cloudera AI Workbench. When the resume operation is performed on the suspended workbench, the suspended pods scale up.

A suspended Cloudera AI Workbench has all its autoscaling node groups, except the Platform Infra node group, shrunk to zero instances, thereby saving compute instance costs for the duration the workbench is suspended. However, Kubernetes pods running on Platform Infra nodes continue to run when a workbench is suspended.

When a workbench is suspended, you cannot access the workbench URL, and all associated models, applications, sessions, and jobs also become unavailable. The suspend operation terminates sessions and jobs, so the suspend should be started only after those operations have finished. When the workbench is resumed, models and applications automatically resume operation at the same URLs as before.

  1. To suspend a Cloudera AI Workbench, in the workbenches UI, select Actions > Suspend Workbench for the workbench to suspend. Then click OK to start the suspend process.
  2. To resume a Cloudera AI Workbench, in the workbenches UI, select Actions > Resume Workbench for the workbench to resume. Then click OK to start the resume process.